Tom 2020 Logo
Hi there, 
Are you ready to support Tom in a big way? Sign up to serve as a delegate for Tom in Washington DC!
If you’re committed to Tom’s campaign and want to see him as the Democratic nominee, then you’re the perfect delegate candidate. 
Delegates get to participate in our democracy in a unique way. You’ll get to attend the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee this July when Democrats all come together to nominate our next president. 
We need your help to build a diverse group of passionate supporters — fill out our form to learn how you can support Tom in Washington DC today.
Thank you for your support,
Tom 2020
Be a delegate for Tom
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Thank you for being a part of this campaign! We want to make sure you're receiving relevant information about how you can help us do what's right. If you'd like to learn more about volunteering, sign up here. If you want to be a delegate for Tom at the DNC convention in Milwaukee this July, click here.
To update your contact information, click here. If you’d rather not receive any emails from us, you can unsubscribe by clicking here — we’ll be sad to see you go!
Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA