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Ted Cruz isn't Texas values. And moms like us are ready to do what it takes to kick him to the curb.

But we're going to need some support — a full time staff member for Mothers for Democracy so we can get Ted kicked out of Texas.  Can you rush a contribution now to help fund our newest staff position?
Hi John, 

We've got big news...

Mothers Against Greg Abbott / Mothers for Democracy has become one of the key weapons Democrats have here in Texas. We've been entirely volunteer-powered and that's helped us grow our mom-led movement into the largest of its kind.

Now, we have to amplify our efforts even more. To prepare for the fight to defeat Ted Cuz, Mothers Against Greg Abbott / Mothers for Democracy is adding a full-time staff member to our team!

We're already making plans on how our movement can defeat Ted Cruz. But we can't do this alone. To help us take on Ted Cruz, to defeat school vouchers, and to FINALLY pass gun control legislation in Texas, we need to add another member to our team now!

So please:
We're asking you to rush a donation of $10 today, or whatever you can afford. Hundreds of people are already chipping in, so join them and help us defeat the GOP here in Texas.
Chip in now >>>
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

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