We must never take our elections for granted, team.

Which is why my fellow Democrats in the House have spearheaded a number of election security bills — we see the grave threat looming on the horizon and want to make sure our agencies have every tool at their disposal to combat even the slightest sign of foreign interference. This is our duty, and not just as elected officials — but as Americans.

Preventing foreign adversaries from interfering in our elections is not a partisan issue — despite Mitch McConnell's best efforts to make it one. We must demand that Republicans like McConnell break free from their partisan chains and choose a path that helps to restore voters' faith in our democracy.

It is plainly unacceptable that Republicans are sitting on these bills, especially while the integrity of our elections hang in the balance. Killing these important pieces of legislation is not just irresponsible, but it sends a message to ill-intentioned hackers all over the world that our leaders don't take election security seriously.

Our elections are the backbone of our democracy, and we cannot allow anyone — let alone our elected officials — to compromise that single, foundational promise of "one person, one vote."

By refusing to take these pivotal bills to the floor, Republicans are inadvertently giving foreigners a free pass to interfere with our elections — and I, for one, will not stand for that.

Will you?


Now is the time to take action — join me.






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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125