May 16, 2023
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The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Meet the New Leaders
Joy DeupreePhD, RN, FAAN
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Karen HernanMPA, BSN, RN
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Campaign News and Features
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Back to School for This Nurse, To Support Transgender Patients
In mid-2022, Sasha A. Rarang, PhD, MSN-Ed, CCM, began seeking certification as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner to better help transgender patients. While the effort is not easy, she writes on the Campaign blog, it’s important: “Having a fellow transgender person available to help … whether providing a treatment, care for mental health problems or assisting in the process of transitioning—is significant in promoting gender-affirming health care.”
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For 1st Time in Decades, Enrollment Down for Nursing Degrees
Enrollment has declined for those seeking bachelor’s of nursing degrees for the first time in 20 years. It’s down at the graduate level as well, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing—and thousands of qualified applicants were turned away due to a shortage of faculty and training sites, the national survey shows. AACN CEO Deborah Trautman, PhD, RN, FAAN, urges leaders to work together to meet the growing demand for nurses.
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American Nurses Foundation Seeks To Counter Stress
The American Nurses Foundation is fighting nurse burnout with its Stress & Burnout Prevention Pilot program, announced in December. How are you as a nurse affected by current conditions? Help fill in the blanks by taking this 10-minute survey. Responses to this and previous surveys will help guide the creation of support systems for the nursing field.
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Resources Support #1 Future of Nursing Report Recommendation
National nursing organizations should create a shared agenda to create health equity: So reads the first of nine recommendations in the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report. Now Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center grad students have brought together the resources to support the seven sub-recommendations of that overall goal, including eliminate racist policies, develop mechanisms for nurses’ health, and leverage expertise in care coordination.
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Are you eligible for student loan forgiveness?
Most hospitals and health organizations are 501(c)3s, meaning that many nurses are eligible for loan forgiveness – whether they know it or not. AARP and the Savi Student Loan Repayment Tool can help you take charge of student loan debt by providing a personalized assessment of repayment and forgiveness options
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Action Coalitions: What’s Up? Tell Us So That We Can Share
Fans of the Campaign for Action like to learn what’s happening in other states. But we might not know your stories. Help us celebrate your efforts and share details of progress by dropping a note to Aidan McCallion at
[email protected]?subject=Campaign%20Update
[email protected] . We’ll spread the news through news posts to our blog, social media, and the Campaign Update.
Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities
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Two-Year Research Grants Support Health Equity Scholars
To support research that identifies the systemic root causes of U.S. health inequities, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation invites applications for its Health Equity Scholars for Action 2023, research grants for those with terminal degrees and a position at an accredited school. Grants will be awarded “to address the challenges that those from historically underrepresented backgrounds typically experience and help them overcome obstacles to earning tenure.” Deadline: May 31.
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Complex Care Coalition Invites Presentations for Nov. Conference
The Camden Coalition invites all to spread word of their work in the field of complex care at the November 1-3 Putting Care at the Center 2023 conference. Lead a workshop, or present a poster or table at the Beehive, the place for emerging knowledge, experience, and strategy. Deadline remains June 15.
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Nominate for the Root Cause 2023 Health Justice Award
The Root Cause Coalition calls for nominations for its 2023 Health Justice Award, which honors organizations that have successfully implemented a program to reduce health—matching the coalition’s mission of collaborating across sectors to improve and achieve health equity. Winners will receive $25,000 and be recognized during the coalition’s December 3–5 national summit. Deadline: June 19.
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AACN Diversity Leadership Institute Open for Applications
Learn about the state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in academic nursing and the role of diversity officers in nursing education and practice at American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s 2024 Diversity Leadership Institute. The five-month program offers the opportunity for participants “to develop a diversity plan designed to drive excellence and meet local needs.” Deadline: June 30.
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Meetings and Webinars
Meetings open to all unless otherwise noted. Follow links for details about fees and registration.
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Advancing Health & Well-Being of AANHPI through Leadership & Shared Agenda National Academy of Medicine, Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association, and National Council of Asian Pacific Islander Physicians. May 25, 1:30-4:30 p.m. ET
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CMS Health Equity Conference
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. June 7-8. Howard University, Washington D.C. & Virtual
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Imagining, Innovating, and Transforming the National Nursing Workforce 2023 Annual Conference National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. June 12-14, Washington D.C.
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NLN Education Summit
National League for Nursing. September 28-30. Washington, D.C.
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2023 Michigan Nursing Summit Michigan Nursing Action Coalition and Michigan Health Council. October 12-13. Grand Rapids, Mich.
DNPs of Color 2023 Conference
DNPs of Color. October 19-22. Washington D.C.
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8th Annual National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health
The Root Cause Coalition. December 3-5, Kansas City
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