Our team is diligently tracking and fighting these insidious efforts. 

We won’t downplay it.

Republicans aren’t backing down on challenging the freedom to vote ahead of the next election cycle. Read this article to learn more about what we’re up against right now.

New York Times: Under the radar, right-wing push to tighten voting laws persists
If you don’t have a chance to read that whole article, we’ll give you the TL;DR:

Backed by dark money groups, Republicans are coordinating and replicating legislation to suppress the freedom to vote across the nation in a desperate attempt to retain power and enact their extremist agenda. In 2023, they’ve already passed 19 laws in 11 states to restrict access to voting or add new restrictions to the administration of elections, and they’ve introduced hundreds more. Among the laws passed is SB 222, which Gov. Brian Kemp signed this month to criminalize county workers and deny them funds that keep our elections system functioning.

Their anti-voter attempts may seem “under the radar,” but we want you to know that our team is diligently tracking these insidious efforts. And when extremists attempt to strip away our freedoms, we take action.

Fair Fight is closely monitoring national voter suppression trends and bad actors, training volunteers to identify and combat voter disinformation in Georgia, providing organizing and fundraising support to our pro-voter partners in states with rampant voter suppression, and building Democratic power to reject the far-right’s anti-voter agenda.

We’re so grateful for your support, and hope you’ll be here for the long haul as we continue to push for free and fair elections.

Let’s keep fighting, 💪

The Fair Fight Team

P.S. — We greatly rely on grassroots donations from folks like you to keep our efforts going strong, especially in the face of extremist attacks. If you’re able to today, will you make a contribution to Fair Fight?