We’re cheering the nomination of Julie Su for labor secretary. She’s an advocate for working people, with a legendary record. Will you show your support for her?



We need your help to support Julie Su, an outstanding advocate for workers' rights. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to fighting for workers and has achieved significant victories, such as securing $4 million in stolen wages for trafficked Thai garment workers.


However, there are powerful lobbyists and corporate interests trying to block her confirmation as labor secretary, fearing that her dedication to the working people poses a threat to their interests.


It is our responsibility to ensure that our senators hear our voices and understand the importance of confirming Julie Su as Secretary of the Department of Labor. We urge you to take action by contacting your U.S. senators and letting them know that you support Julie Su and her confirmation.


Together, we can make a difference and secure a labor secretary who will tirelessly defend the rights and well-being of workers across the nation. Thank you for your dedication to this cause.