Tomorrow's scheduled webinar has been postponed. No new date has been set.

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may 16, 2023


Due to unforeseen circumstances tomorrow's planned webinar has been postponed.

You may provide written comments now by email or mail at the addresses below.

Watch your email for the new webinar date and registration information.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Public comment opportunity

Healthy Environment For All (HEAL) Act

Seeking input related to environmental justice assessments by state agencies

Passed in 2021, the Healthy Environment For All (HEAL) Act addresses several recommendations from the Environmental Justice Task Force,? including:

  • Incorporating environmental justice principles and practices throughout government operations and service delivery
  • Establishing transparency and accountability to communities
  • Creating pathways for equitable community and tribal engagement in government decision making that seeks to improve the health of Washington state residents.?

One of the core elements of the HEAL Act requires covered agencies to conduct environmental justice assessments on significant agency actions (SAAs) beginning July 1, 2023.

What our agency is doing?

Agencies are authorized to designate additional SAA?s, as actions that may cause environmental harm or may affect the equitable distribution of environmental benefits to an overburdened community or a vulnerable population.

Commerce intends to adopt one additional SAA to create a pathway that encourages programs to opt-in to HEAL activities that wouldn?t otherwise be required to do so under the statutorily defined SAA categories.

POSTPONED: Webinar on Wednesday

  • Informational webinar - NEW DATE TO BE DETERMINED
    Please join us for an informational webinar at Noon on May 17, 2023. We will be taking public comments about our additional proposed additional SAA.
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
  • Submit written comments
    Email your input to
    or?mail to:
    Jennifer Grove
    Department of Commerce
    P.O. Box 42525
    Olympia, WA 98504-2525


Please feel free to?email our HEAL implementation team.?


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