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Dear Friend,

I’m excited to share major news with you! NCLEJ has announced a groundbreaking partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), an incredible worker-led organization that fights to empower low-wage workers in global supply chains.

Under this new partnership, NCLEJ will serve as the general counsel for the CIW and provide legal representation for other worker-driven social responsibility (WSR) organizations as well.
Pioneered by the CIW, the WSR model has achieved incredible success in some of the most exploitative labor environments in the world today. It’s founded on the idea that human rights in corporate supply chains can only be achieved by a movement that’s worker-driven, enforcement-focused, and based on legally binding commitments that assign responsibility to corporations at the top.

We’re excited to partner with CIW to empower workers across the nation, and we hope you will join us in our efforts. Fresh on the heels of this major announcement, will you chip in to support NCLEJ’s mission to advance workers’ rights across the nation?

Low-income workers face bigger wage gaps and wealth gaps today than ever before. We believe that all workers deserve fair pay, safe workplaces, and job security, which is why we fight in the Courts and on the ground to expand workers’ rights and protections.

Through this partnership with CIW, we will continue to advocate to raise the minimum wage, eliminate sexual harassment from all workplaces, end wage theft, expand access to unemployment insurance, and build power with labor unions and worker-led movements.

This work requires serious long-term commitment and funding. If you are able, I am urging you to chip in whatever you can to support our efforts.

Click here to support our mission to empower low-wage workers across America. Whether large or small, your donation will make a critical difference for NCLEJ. As a reminder, all donations to our nonprofit organization are tax-deductible.

In solidarity,

Dennis Parker
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice
The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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