Will you be one of the 44k names of Citizen Commitment signers we deliver to President Obama on Sunday?
All On The Line
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Friend -- President Obama reminded us this week that this movement has never relied on one person, one moment, or one court decision to improve our democracy.

Gerrymandering might feel like a problem that's impossible to fix. But if folks come together, roll up their sleeves, and organize their communities, we can make a real difference.

President Obama asked you to sign the All On The Line Citizen Commitment and pledge to only support candidates and elected officials who want fair and representative districts. Will you make that commitment?

This Sunday is President Obama's birthday and in lieu of a traditional birthday card, we'll be sending him a list of the folks who have taken the Citizen Commitment. We're only 2,208 names away from 44k signers -- how cool would it be if we could hit 44k for the 44th President's birthday?

You've been on the frontlines of progress -- organizing around issues like health care, climate change, and common-sense gun reform in your community. But the fact is, a gerrymandered Congress stood in our way too many times this decade and will be a barrier again if we don't organize to change the system that has allowed power-hungry politicians to cling onto their safe seats. And our best path to ending map manipulation is a fair redistricting process in 2021, but to make that a reality, we're going to need every one of our supporters to commit to holding their elected officials accountable.

Thanks for joining us in this fight,

-- Biz

John Bisognano
Executive Director

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.

Paid for by The National Redistricting Action Fund.

Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible.

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