Join our Saturday Membership Meeting at the Teamster's Local!

🗓 What's Going on This Week? 🗓

Want to get more involved? Attend a committee meeting or upcoming event!

Looking for more events? See our monthly calendar! 📆


 🌹 May General Meeting & Delegate Elections 🌹

Join us Saturday, May 20th for Atlanta DSA's monthly General Meeting! We will hear the latest from our chapter's campaigns and committees, discuss current events in the chapter, debate and vote on resolutions, and elect delegates to DSA's national convention in August! All members are encouraged to attend, and interested non-members are welcome. 


This meeting will be held in person at the Teamsters 728 Local at 2540 Lakewood Ave SW. We'll start with an informal potluck/social at NOON, so bring your favorite dish, and a friend that's curious about getting involved with DSA! We'll also hear from UPS Teamsters about their contract fight, and how the community can help support!


Business will run from 1:00-3:00 PM. Please arrive ON TIME to the meeting to respect your comrades' time and allow us to get through will business in a timely manner. If you know there will be traffic, please leave early! 


Agenda (updated approximately one week before meeting):


Please wear a mask! For the health and safety of all, all ATLDSA event attendees must be fully vaccinated.


🌹 Vote for Delegate at the GM!🌹

DSA Logo

During our May General Meeting this Saturday, we'll hold elections for seventeen (17) delegates and two (2) alternates to DSA's 2023 National Convention. Interested in running? Note the important dates and deadlines below, and keep reading our weekly newsletter for announcements and updates.


Read the First Candidate Bulletin here


Important Dates:

(Dates have been moved up a week to avoid conflicting with Memorial Day weekend)

  • Monday, May 15th - First Candidate Bulletin
  • Wednesday, May 17th @ 6PM - Zoom Candidate Forum: RSVP here!
  • Wednesday, May 17th, 11:59pm - Delegate Nomination Deadline
  • Thursday, May 18th - Second Candidate Bulletin
  • Saturday, May 20th - Delegate Elections
  • July 13th - Convention Registration Deadline
  • August 4-6th - National Convention

Use the member portal to nominate yourself and read convention rules: 


📕 Book Club 📕

Atlanta DSA's Book Club explores a range of topics in socialist theory. We discuss big picture ideas about history, economics, and politics. Our next meeting is Thursday May 18th at 7PM This week we’re reading Chapter 5, "The Political Economy of Late Imperial America". of Prisoners of the American Dream by Mike Davis. We encourage everyone to read ahead of time, but all are welcome to join the discussion! join our next meeting! 


📝 Fill Out the 2023 Labor Survey 📝

Brewing Union of Georgia benefit concert promotional image

At the 2022 Atlanta DSA Chapter Convention, members decided to prioritize our Chapter's labor work. We are building the labor movement by showing up for workers on the picket line, building relationships with rank-and-file union members, and helping our own members organize their workplaces.


But to do this, we need your help! Fill out our 2023 Labor Survey to tell us about yourself, your workplace, and the ways you'd like to help get involved in our work. Fill out the survey to enter the raffle and win a prize at the May General Meeting!


🛩 Solidarity Rally with Delta Workers!🛩

Next week on Thursday, May 25th, we'll be joining Delta workers at the Atlanta airport at 10AM for a solidarity rally. Wear your DSA shirt and bring a friend! Please send questions to [email protected].


💸 Donate to the GoFundMe for fired Amazon workers 💸

DSA Logo

Amazon workers in Atlanta, GA decided to exert their right to organize for better wages and working conditions. However, instead of listening to their concerns, the company responded with many forms of retaliation - including firing two workers.


As we continue the fight against Amazon's retaliatory practices, we are reaching out to you to ask for help in financially supporting a few of the fired ATL6 workers during this tough time.


🚌 GA Union News: Blue Bird Workers Unionize! 🚌

This week, workers at Blue Bird Corporation’s Fort Valley, Ga., facility near Macon, GA, voted to join the United Steelworkers union (USW), seeking a voice on the job so they can address urgent concerns including workplace health and safety, work-life balance and fair pay.


Blue Bird workers, who make school buses, including low-emission and zero-emission models, represent one of the most significant recent organizing efforts by manufacturing workers in the South.


ATLDSA supports these workers' decision to unionize for better pay and working conditions. 

Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash


✊😤 Seize the Memes: We support WGA writers 😤✊


Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America

Fighting for the many, not the few