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Tuesday, May 16th, 2023


The Gun Control Debate Ignores the Real Problems

Ron Paul, MD

The Exercise of the Charism of Infallibility Is Here and Now a Mandatum of Christlike Love

Fr. Emmanuel McCarthy

Assassinating Vladimir Putin?

Ron Unz

Could Aspirin Have Cut Covid Deaths in Half?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Babson’s Warning

Jeff Thomas

Big Gambles Heading Into Gusting Headwinds

Alastair Crooke

Dirty Secrets

James Howard Kunstler

Great Depression 2.0 Is Incoming

Peter Schiff

Deadly Serious DHS List: You Might Be A Domestic Terrorist If…

Madge Waggy

Time for Republicans to Confront January 6 Lead Prosecutor

Julie Kelly

Government Workers Betray Constitutional Oath and Submit to United Nations Agenda

Alexandra Bruce

The Joys of Gender

Regis Martin

Political Theatre

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