From Gun Owners of California <[email protected]>
Subject Obama Sticks Nose in Gun Debate and Other 2A News
Date May 15, 2023 11:22 PM
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It’s been said that Barack Obama was the single best salesman for the firearm industry – but his old buddy Joe Biden is giving him a run for his money!  While President Biden is pushing for magazine and assault weapon bans, Obama has recently stepped back into the public debate on guns and thinks public attitudes need to be “reshaped.”  The only realistic response to this is NOPE – what part of “your policies aren’t working” does he not understand? If anyone’s perspectives need to be adjusted, it’s his and his fellow gun control zealots. 

Also, just as a reminder to all those CCW instructors out there, check out our Project Protect page HERE.  GOC launched this program early this year so that we may be a resource for those who willingly jumped into the CCW training fire.  We provide solid info that is useful to instructors and students alike – so please pass this email on to anyone involved in this vital profession.  Join our growing numbers in this new project, because it’s never too late to be ARMED & INFORMED!

GOA/GOF Sue DOJ Over Waiting Period for Adults Under 21 | GOA
GOA and GOF are on the offensive!

San Francisco Supervisor Under Fire For Silly Proposal | Bearing Arms
Restrictions on armed security guards? Ridiculous.

Federal Judge Strikes Law On Age Limit on Handgun Buys| The Daily Wire
Huge victory for law-abiding young adults just trying to defend themselves! 

Bruen Decision Thwarting Gun Control Efforts | Bearing Arms
This is why elections matter! 

Elon Musk Makes Based Tweet About Second Amendment | Bearing Arms
Free speech is improving a bit on Twitter.

After Failing to Disarm Us, Obama Has Thoughts on “Bitter Clingers” | The Truth About Guns
The all-time best gun salesman ever speaks about guns again….

Barack Obama Says Public Attitudes Around Gun Rights Have To Be Reshaped | CBS
No, his attitude is what needs to be adjusted.

Joe Biden Pushes Ban on ‘Assault Weapons’ and ‘100-Round’ Magazines | Breitbart
Parroting the anti-gun mob is what he’s doing.

Biden Issues Executive Order Aimed At Gun Violence | CBS News
Disarming us is more important than inflation, the debt ceiling, and the border crisis?

Dem Senator Threatens ‘Popular Revolt’ If SCOTUS Protects The 2A | American Wire News
Revolt, he says? Against the Constitution.  

FOIA Shows Anti-Gun Orgs Targeting ATF’s Relationship With Industry | Ammoland
Again, the Deep State working against us.

Ordinary Citizens Will Save Our 2nd Amendment | Ammoland
It’s the “salt of the earth” who will turn this around.

TX Massacre Underlines FALSE Promise of ‘Universal Background Checks’ | Ammoland

Former Senator Claims ‘Jesus Would Be Shocked’ By Lack Of Gun Control | Daily BS
No.  He actually told them to sell their cloak and go out and buy a sword.

Tickets for upcoming GOC fundraising events are selling out!

Oroville Dinner, Friday June 16, 2023

Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023

San Jose, TBD

Go online at GOC or call 916-984-1400 TODAY to get yours!




Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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