We didn’t come this far just to come this far

Hello John,


As one of our most engaged supporters during my run for U.S. Senate last year, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I’m running for United States Congress in Idaho’s Second District.


There is a BIG appetite for change across this state, especially in the Second District – and I’m not backing down from our fight to build a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable society. 


Your encouragement and support was crucial for my U.S. Senate race last year. I hope you’re still with me, because I am definitely still with you in the fight to make Idaho a better place for all of us! 


The progress we made was measured by much more than the results we saw on Election Day last year. Together, we showed that we were ready for something different for Idaho, and for our country.


In 2024, let’s show them that hasn’t changed. 


I know it won't be easy to unseat an incumbent who has been in office nearly 25 years. 


Republicans have used every leverage point they can to discourage people from voting and hold on to power. But these tactics only succeed when Democrats fail to invest in states like Idaho.


But here's what I know:


In the last election year, Democratic voter registration surged. Young people are mobilizing on a massive scale. And people here are fed up with far-right policies like extreme abortion bans.


We made waves across Idaho in 2022, and that could not have been done without you. Not only people in Idaho, but people just like you across the country came together with hope for a better future for all Americans. 


This is my home. It's where I've chosen to raise my sons. I'm not giving up on Idaho, and I hope you won't either.


This will be an uphill battle – that's why I need your early support today. But flipping ID-02 BLUE is possible. Together, we’ll get it done AND retake the majority for Democrats in the House of Representatives. 


I cannot emphasize enough how much you are needed again in this renewed fight. Every vote will count. Every dollar will count. Every time you talk about this race with a family member or friend, it will count. 


My team and I are ready to get out there and start talking to voters, and to remind my opponent that we are a force for Idaho and the country.  


Will you join us?


The first step is to come together and show our strength.


If you’re hungry for change and ready to join us, I want you to know I appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart.


What we raise in these early days is crucial and it would mean so much to have you with me. That's why I'm asking you to be one of the first people to support my bid for Congress. Will you rush a contribution today?


Let’s keep going. Together.


More soon,


David Roth


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Paid for by David Roth for Idaho

©2023 David Roth for U.S. Senate, all rights reserved.


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David Roth for U.S. Senate

2184 Channing Way #114

Idaho Falls, ID 83404


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