Hey John,
We're so thrilled to announce that after more than a decade of supplying 1 million condoms a year to schools and communities across the U.S., The Great American Condom Campaign will now be called...The Condom Collective!
And there's more! Applications for Fall 2019 are now open. College students ages 18-29, or university staff members who want to purchase discounted condoms should apply here today.
This has been a youth-led, grassroots movement for 12 years, giving out over 10 million Trojan Brand condoms. It's a group effort - a collective campaign with a lot of different people working together. We wanted a broad and inclusive name that symbolizes community and a sense of belonging. That's because the campaign is made up of 2,000 students a year who work hard to create "SafeSites" on their campuses where anyone can get condoms who needs them. They also run campaigns to promote a culture of consent, safer sex, and some advocate for condom dispensers on campus.
We're also proud of our new tagline, "Do Good. Feel Good." It symbolizes our passion for this work and the good SafeSites do for their community, but it's also to remind young people that those who use condoms rate their sex experiences as just as pleasurable as those who don't - and having sex without fear of STIs or unplanned pregnancies is the most comfortable sex. We're thrilled to have the values that inspire many SafeSites to take part in this initiative reflected in our new name, logo, and tagline.
We couldn't do this without the help of Trojan Brand Condoms, who graciously supply all of the condoms every year at no cost. "The CDC has found that condoms are highly effective in protecting against HIV and other STIs," said Stephanie Berez, Director of Marketing for Trojan. "That’s important when every day, almost 25,000 young people get an STI. Trojan is proud to partner with Condom Collective SafeSites to help enable young people to explore their sexuality safely and with confidence.”
So please help spread the word by sharing the application online, and telling friends or college students you know to apply to join the Fall 2019 class today.
In Solidarity,
Kinjo Kiema
Manager, State & Local Campaigns
Advocates for Youth