“It is sad and disappointing to see a candidate attack the people of Florida for protecting pre-born Floridians with a detectable heartbeat,” says Noah Brandt of Live Action.
Biden’s botches defy tabulation (e.g., abortionitis, race obsession, transgendermania, swelling national debt, sagging mental acuity, etc.) Too bad English has only 26 letters.
“The courts have been used as a vehicle to advance a dangerous agenda against abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and so much more,” says the president of Planned Parenthood.
“DEI is better viewed as standing for ‘discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination,’ and that has no place in our public institutions,” says Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The FBI appears, at least briefly, to have joined the Southern Poverty Law Center’s attempt to demonize Catholics who follow the church’s teachings on marriage and celebrate the Latin Mass.