I was proud to highlight the importance of my legislation, H.R. 524, during a House Natural Resources Committee hearing last week.
Wrightsville Beach, which serves as one of North Carolina's most popular beaches, hosts visitors from all across the country and drives significant job growth and economic activity for our local communities. We also count on a strong, robust coastline as the first line of defense against powerful storms and it's worked by limiting the amount of flooding and damage inflicted.
Currently, the Biden Administration is prohibiting Wrightsville Beach from using their 50-year traditional borrow site for much-needed beach renourishment. My bill reverses this decision, thus allowing Wrightsville Beach to return to a regular, ecologically friendly, renourishment schedule. Doing so is imperative to enhance the community’s physical resiliency against future storms, to continue a healthy ecosystem, and protect the local economy.
Wrightsville Beach Mayor Darryl Mills testified before the Committee at my invitation. I thank him for joining me to provide testimony in support of this fix as we work toward our shared goals of renourishment and resiliency for our coastline.