Tell Kevin McCarthy to stop playing politics with people’s economic livelihoods.


If Republicans do not agree to raise the debt ceiling and we run out of money, our seniors will not receive their Social Security checks and our military will not be seeing their next paychecks either.

We cannot allow these GOP extremists to hold our economy hostage like this!

Will you please add your name to our petition right now and tell Kevin McCarthy to stop playing politics with people’s economic livelihood?


If we cannot get these extreme Republicans to negotiate on the debt ceiling or pass a budget, our country will default on our debt for the first time ever and run out of money, causing a global recession.

We cannot allow Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA allies to tank our entire economy.

Can you sign here right now if you agree we need to protect Social Security and Medicare?

Thank you,
Future Forum PAC


Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. Will you help protect and expand our coalition in Congress by making a contribution today?

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PO Box 83142
Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3142
United States

Paid For By The Future Forum Political Action Committee And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. Contributions To The Future Forum Political Action Committee Are Not Deductible For Federal Tax Purposes.