At New York’s Other Selective Public Schools: Auditions for 9th Grade

While talent helps, students also need knowledge, expertise and polish to get into dozens of New York City public school arts programs that use auditions and portfolios to screen applicants. Although these schools have largely escaped the rancorous debate over selective admissions policies, they raise many of the same concerns about equity, class and race.

“You can be a very good dancer, but you need support in the actual process of applying to the school,” said Nigel Campbell, a LaGuardia High School graduate and professional dancer who now runs a program to help young artists prepare for auditions. “Very few kids will get in solely based on raw talent.”

Read the story.

Mourners React to Manslaughter Charge in Jordan Neely’s Death
Reactions to the news were subdued in City Hall Park Thursday, where the organization VOCAL-NY had gathered to mourn not only Neely, who had been unhoused, but the at least 815 other unhoused New Yorkers who, according to city data, died in the year ending last July. Read the story.
Mayor Suspends Some ‘Right to Shelter’ Rules in Scramble to House Asylum Seekers
The mayor defended the move, saying the city had little choice as it struggles to keep up with a ballooning shelter population. But advocates say the change undermines the city’s social safety net and protections to ensure homeless families with children have access to safe conditions. Read the story.
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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: Teachers’ Health Plan Debate Speaks to Larger Problems with UFT Leadership
“Those of us teaching the children of New York City do the work. Not only are we not getting the support we need, but we have leadership that actively works against our interests. This has to change.” Read the oped here.

Job Board

This week's offerings

Senior Grant Writer, Strategic Partnerships at CAMBA

CAMBA is a community of staff, volunteers, clients, donors, neighbors and partners who work together to build an inclusive New York City, where all children and adults have access to the resources and supports they need to thrive. CAMBA is seeking a senior grant writer for its Office of Strategic Partnerships, responsible for informing funders, stakeholders and community members about CAMBA’s work in order to further the organization’s development and growth.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

City Limits en Español
Más de la mitad de los inmigrantes en Nueva York no pueden cubrir sus necesidades básicas, según informe
Los hogares encabezados por inmigrantes representan solo el 17 por ciento de la población en la ciudad de Nueva York, pero constituyen el 21 por ciento de los hogares que ganan por debajo del “costo de vida real”, una medida utilizada como base en el informe. Leer el artículo.
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