Coco Das comments on last week's CNN-hosted Trump Town Hall (KKK rally) and Democratic reactions:
Biden’s Camp Cheers on Trump’s CNN Town Hall: An “Opposition” Party that is Worse than Useless
Let me get this straight. At this late hour, you’re relying on the Democrats and the 2024 Election to Stop Trump?
What about the fact that after Trump’s CNN town hall, an atrocity of
normalization where he had free rein to spout his white supremacy and
misogyny and his fascist lies that the 2020 election was stolen from
him, all to a wildly cheering audience … gleeful Democratic strategists
and pundits were all over the airwaves spouting their dangerous message – that this was good for the Democratic Party going into the 2024 election? read in full
Beyond Fake Opposition and Honeyed Words
Refuse Fascism Episode 156 uploaded May 14: Coco Das comments on the Trump Town Hall; Sam Goldman speaks with Akin Olla, National Press Secretary of the Dream Defenders and contributing writer for The Guardian about the Dream Defenders recent mobilization against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

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Akin Olla: The fear is how fascism has worked in the past is kind of like the slow bubbling over time. The first thing is not going to ever be concentration camps. The first things are things like criminalizing drag shows, making it easier to execute people. So it's these kind of smaller reforms that end up building us closer and closer towards a fascist state.
✔️ A note from our host Sam: The more listeners rate and review our podcast on whatever platform they listen to, the more the message to refuse fascism spreads to others. It really makes the biggest difference. Your monthly support on Patreon for as little as $2 also helps.
Monday May 15 – Wednesday May 17 Act in bold ways big and small to demand:
Fascist Judges: Hands OFF Abortion Pill
Do not wait to see what plays out in the courts, act now!
In Philadelphia area?
Join host of the pod Sam Goldman at a teach-in at Drexel University
Wednesday May 17 6:00 pm
Disque Hall Room 108 32 South 32nd Street Philadelphia
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