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Monday, May 15th, 2023


The Woke Plot

Lew Rockwell

In the Event of an Official US Bankruptcy

Stephen Anderson

Ukraine Can’t Have Russian Assets Frozen in Switzerland, Bern Says

Ilya Tsukanov

Defeated NATO and Kiev Will Soon Say ‘A Frozen Conflict Anyone?’

Natasha Wright

Our Two Deep States, One Public, One Private

Charles Hugh Smith

Ideological Echo Chambers Are Making Us All Stupid

Caitlin Johnstone

James Corbett on Technocratic Control and the Dangers of AI

Dr. Joseph Mercola

WEF Yaccarino Introduced to Twitter as CEO for Censorship

Helena Glass

Why the Government Debt Crisis Will Blow up Before We Even Get to Default

David Haggith

Ability To Communicate With Others Is Vital in Every Survival Situation

Milan Adams

‘There was No Virus’ Says The Former Vice President of Pfizer

Ben Armstrong

The New Global Information Cartel: Censorship-Industrial Complex

David Kelly

Political Theatre

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