Fellow Patriot,

Now that Nancy "the Wicked Witch of the West" Pelosi has failed to convict and remove President Trump...

...she - and all her Democrat comrades - are working 24/7 to smear him so they can finally get rid of him this November!

New York Post article

And judging by how she ripped up his State of the Union speech on live television, she's become completely unhinged and will do and say ANYTHING to get rid of him!

Now I urgently need your help to get some much needed justice and political revenge by indicting and prosecuting all the Democrats behind this COUP like Pelosi, "Sleazy Slob" Jerry Nadler, Maxine Waters, "Shifty" Schiff, Pelosi, and more!

That way they end up tried, sentenced, and LOCKED UP (peacefully and legally) for their crimes against our great president!

If you missed my e-mail below, I hope you'll read it now so you'll see how Freedom Watch is the ONLY organization helping to protect President Trump by indicting and prosecuting the Democrats behind this coup.

Or you can simply click here to send you most generous monthly recurring gift in any amount right now.

Please...don't let these evil Democrats get away with this abuse of power!

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,

Larry headshot

Larry Klayman, Esq.


Founder, Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch, Inc.

From: Larry Klayman [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2020 01:31 PM
To: Fellow Patriot
Subject: Trump Needs You Now!

Freedom Watch logo

The People's Justice Department

Fellow Patriot,

House Democrats led by Nancy "the Wicked Witch of the West" finally impeached President Trump...

...and now her "Seven Deadly Dems" in the Senate are working 24/7 to convict him!

Drudge Impeachement headline

These "Seven Deadly Dems" are Adam "Shifty" Schiff", "Sleazy Slob" Jerry Nadler, Zoe Lofgren, Hakeem Jeffries, Val Demings, Jason Crow, and Sylvia Garcia!

Meet the "Seven Deadly Dems" Prosecuting President Trump in the Senate...

Democratic House Managers and Nancy

Fellow Patriot, these seven Democrat hacks will stop at nothing to convict President Trump!

That way they can finally get rid of President Trump and undo YOUR 2016 vote!

That's bad enough, but here's the worst part...

Even if Democrats fail to convict Trump in the Senate, they still have a powerful plan to get rid of him in November!

Simply put...

Democrats are going to use his impeachment to destroy his poll numbers and give him a "black mark" in voters' eyes...


...and then prosecute and jail him when he's out of office.

Just like Pelosi promised!


All of this is horrible enough, but it all becomes worse because haven't heard back from you in a while.

Fellow Patriot, I absolutely hate to ask this question since you've been such a faithful supporter for so long, but...

...have you abandoned President Trump?

I hope and pray you're screaming "HELL NO"!

After all, you've been such a faithful friend to the President (I'm sure he appreciates your support) and Freedom Watch since this political hit job first started.

If you're still standing with us and our great President, then I hope and pray you'll do one thing right now to help us make up the difference in this downturn:

Will you send you most generous monthly recurring gift in any amount now?

Yes, Fellow Patriot, I know that's asking you to be a bit more generous than before, but with Democrats tightening the noose around President Trump...

...and our resources spread dangerously thing, we need your continued support now more than ever.

And while I'll always be incredibly thankful for any one time gift you will give, a recurring monthly gift will make sure we have funds we need every month to keep fighting to protect the President and prosecute the Democrats who are leading this hit job.

And that's exactly what this is...


You and I both know President Trump committed NO CRIMES!

Zero. Zilch. Nada!

But that hasn't stopped Democrats from becoming completely unhinged and ramming his impeachment down our throats.

In fact, as you read this, Senate Democrats are preparing to HAMMER President Trump in his Senate trial.

And you better believe Pelosi, "Shifty Schiff", Alexandria "She-Guevara" Ocasio-Cortez and other hate-filled leftists will do everything they can to indict and prosecute him when he's out of office!

And did you see recently how Democrats are starting to target Vice President Pence?

That's because their plan is to completely OVERTURN the election by removing Trump AND Pence.

Once they do that, do you know who becomes President by default?

NANCY PELOSI! God help us if that happens!

If all this isn't bad enough, never forget that RINOS in the Senate are turning their backs on the President.

AND Never Trumper "human scum" (as the President says) in the Senate like Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) are stabbing him in the back every chance they get!

Even George Conway - husband of White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway - is trashing the President!

And that doesn't even include the leftists at Fox News like Judge Andrew Napolitano and anchor Chris Wallace, to name just few.


A new Gallup poll shows that 52% of voters support impeaching Trump! Including many Republicans!

Drudge Gallup headline

It's clear that Freedom Watch - the People's Justice Department - is President Trump's ONLY hope.

But we can't fight this battle without your help, Fellow Patriot.

Now can you see why I asked...

Have You Abandoned President Trump When He Needs You the Most?

Like I said before...

I hope and pray - for President Trump's sake - that your answer is "HELL NO"! Because the Democrats are doing everything they can to destroy him!

That's why I'm praying - for President Trump's sake - that you'll send your most generous monthly recurring gift in any amount now.

Your Support Today is Critical to Make Sure Freedom Watch Can Legally Hammer the Democrats Behind this Coup...

After all, you and I both know that "Nervous Nancy" Pelosi and Adam "Shifty Schiff" won't stop until President Trump is impeached or dragged out of the White House in handcuffs!

That's why Freedom Watch - the People's Justice Department - has to hit them hard now!

And that's exactly what we're doing and why we urgently need your continued support today.

Because in addition to fighting to STOP Democrats from impeaching President Trump, Freedom Watch is also the only group taking the fight to the Democrats by indicting and prosecuting them!

Like how we're about to become the first group to indict Joe Biden, and his equally sleazy son Hunter, for their alleged corruption!

Larry Joe and Hunter Biden

We MUST have your continued support if we are going to be able to indict and then "try and fry" them in our Citizen Grand Juries ASAP.

And you better believe the Bidens are terrified!

After all, recently I received word that the Chief of Staff in his campaign was calling around demanding that social media posts that were critical of him be removed.

And sure enough, a ton of our YouTube videos that HAMMERED Biden were removed!

I immediately reached out to Google/YouTube and told them that, if my videos were not put back up immediately, I would hit them with a massive lawsuit, which would include their "friends" the Bidens.

That did the trick because they put the videos back up shortly after.

Oh, and did I mention that Google/YouTube's lawyers were from Williams & Connolly? The same prestigious firm that has represented the Clintons and Barack Obama!

And, by the way, Google's lawyers never denied the allegation that Biden was behind my videos being taken down.

On top of this, Freedom Watch is also suing Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) - the anti-Christian and anti-Jew member of "The Squad" - for assault against my client, conservative journalist and patriot Laura Loomer.

In case you missed it on the news, my client, Laura Loomer, was at a public event where Rashida Tlaib (and her anti-Christian and anti-Semitic friend Ilhan Omar) were taking questions.

When Laura confronted Tlaib about her anti-Semitic comments, Tlaib reached out, violently grabbed Laura's phone, and tried to steal it while committing assault.

Rashida Tlaib

Now we're suing her for assault and battery and seeking two million dollars for Laura, who has been severely damaged by the likes of Tlaib and the other Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar!

Last but not least, your continued support is absolutely critical to help make sure we can prosecute and convict the number one Democrat behind the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" Witch Hunt...

Special Investigator Mueller!


That's right!

With your help, we'll "try and fry" this political hack in our Citizen Grand Juries and do everything we can to make sure he ends up where he belongs:

Behind bars!

But like I told you before, Freedom Watch simply can't do this without your continued support today.

That's why I'm praying - for President Trump's sake - that you'll send your most generous monthly recurring gift today to help us protect President Trump.

Remember, Fellow Patriot, you and I can't count on the so-called Justice Department to fight for us.

These political hacks protect their own in the D.C. swamp! Regardless of what side of politics they're on!

No wonder the Justice Department hasn't gone after politically corrupt hacks like Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Hillary, and others!

Heck, they won't even do anything to investigate Ilhan Omar for her alleged immigration fraud for marrying her brother!

That's where Freedom Watch steps in.

And that's why many call us "The People's Justice Department."

But like I mentioned before, Fellow Patriot, we can't do this without your continued help.

There are so many groups out there that claim to be doing something to combat the attempted coup d'etat on the president, but Freedom Watch is the only one taking hard and strong action.

My former group, which I founded, Judicial Watch, mostly gets documents. But what good are the documents if they are not used as evidence in hard-hitting cases and citizens' grand juries?

We at Freedom Watch do both! Judicial Watch generally does not, since it is run by a non-lawyer, Tom Fitton. Thus it focuses on documents, which are easy to get and do not use much in financial resources to obtain.

But like I told you before, we can't fight to protect the President and prosecute the Democrats without you.

Without your help today, we may be forced to dip into other lines of credit just to stay afloat.

All while Democrats drag President Trump to the political guillotine and Republicans turn their backs on him. Including many voters!

Now is not the time to back down from the fight.

Not when President Trump needs us the most!

But I can't keep fighting in the courtroom without your support right now.

Your generous monthly recurring gift today could literally mean the difference between seeing this headline all over the media:

"Pelosi and Dems FINALLY IMPEACH President Trump, Defeat Him in 2020, and Now Seek to LOCK HIM UP as a Private Citizen!

OR this one...

"Trump Gets Last Laugh: Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Nadler and All Democrats Behind IMPEACHMENT and COUP Prosecuted to Fullest Extent of the Law as Trump Re-Elected to Help Keep America Great!"

Which one would you rather see? I know where I stand - right next to the President! I hope you're standing next to us, Fellow Patriot.

God bless you, President Trump, and America.

Yours in Freedom and Liberty,

Larry headshot

Larry Klayman, Esq.


Founder, Chairman and General Counsel
Freedom Watch, Inc.

P.S. Fellow Patriot, I know that a monthly recurring gift in any amount is asking you to be more generous than before, but please remember that this will help make sure we have the funds we need every month to keep fighting to protect the President, and prosecute the Democrats. So please...will you send your most generous monthly recurring gift right now?

That way when you see the charge on your credit card every month, you'll know you didn't just make a generous gift...

...you helped protect President Trump when he needed you the most.

2020 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Suite 345
Washington, DC 20006

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