John, you're invited!

Please join us this month as we honor the accomplishments and contributions of our outgoing executive director Bob Libal.  We will be celebrating the organization's history and future with two events featuring shared food, drinks, and memories:

  • New York City, Tuesday, February 25 from 7:30-9:30 PM
  • Austin, Thursday, February 27th from 6-8 PM

For more information and to RSVP:


Grassroots Leadership grew significantly under Bob's direction, and we are deeply grateful to him for his 16 years of continued commitment to building a world where mass incarceration and immigration detention are things of the past. 

As with all journeys, it's important to remember where we have come from, to appreciate where we are, and to celebrate where we're going. While we're certainly sad to be losing such a cherished and recognized facet of Grassroots Leadership's work, we're excited for the new path being paved by this transition.

In conjunction with Bob's departure, we're launching a week-long, $25,000 fundraising campaign culminating on the night of February 27th. 

Sponsorship is a great way to support our work and get us closer to our fundraising goal. 

You can find out more about sponsorship below:

$500 - Rooted in Transformation: your name featured in our event program
$1,000 - Justice at Every Turn: your name featured in our event program, a personalized thank you card and chocolate from local Texas chocolatiers 
$2,500 Communities United in Resistance: your name featured in our evenet program, a personalized thank you card, chocolate from local Texas chocolatiers and special acknowledgment during the live-streamed portion of the event

Please consider making a donation or becoming a monthly sustainer to kick-off our thanks to Bob and help us meet our goal.



See you there,


Barbara Hines and Darwin Hamilton

Co-chairs of the Board of Directors