![]() Patriot, The “Stasi” – the East German Communist secret police of decades past – could only wish to be so efficient in their record-keeping on “problem citizens” as the Biden regime is today. Back then, of course, American politicians decried totalitarian police-tactics – because our enemy was doing it. Now our own government does it brazenly, and just like the Stasi, they say it’s to protect us from ourselves. We can’t trust them. Not at all. We’ve explained many times in the past just how dangerous FISA Section 702 is to your privacy and the rule of law. I hate to put it this bluntly, but if you and I walk away and stop fighting on this issue, this could be the final nail in the Fourth Amendment’s coffin. With Internet tracking schemes, ongoing phone metadata collection, and artificial intelligence technology to pore through it all, our federal government is rapidly gaining the technology to make any semblance of citizen privacy a relic of yesteryear. The good news is, more and more members of Congress are understanding how the government has been weaponized against the American people. Which means that if we can turn up the heat, we may be able to unwind this spying scheme. But because Section 702 will expire soon, we have the advantage of all of the ways legislation can be defeated at any stage. We can target re-authorization in committee and on the floor in both chambers, and we have prominent members in both chambers who are fed up with the abuses. Under Section 702, our federal government (unconstitutionally) grants itself the ability to wiretap and collect information on innocent Americans. This isn’t just “metadeta” like who you called and when – This is the actual content of your emails, phone calls, and Internet chats! And it’s becoming increasingly clear the reason the government has REFUSED to say whether or not they’ve swept up conversations involving Members of Congress themselves is because they are. Time after time, they get caught. And time after time, they give an insincere apology. This is nothing new, if you are familiar with the history of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. And this is why Congress may be receptive when we DEMAND they allow the Deep State’s surveillance scheme to expire at the end of this year! ![]() We need to mobilize on this now. Sadly, last-minute “deals” have been a trick statists in Washington, D.C. have employed more and more. I’m worried we’re going to be in for the same kind of madness with FISA. We have to stop it. The good news is, with your help, I believe we can. The more petitions we can generate, the more we can PROVE to Congress that the American people are still watching them like a hawk! If you haven’t already done so, be sure to send your directive to Congress demanding they let Section 702 of FISA die. That alone will make a tremendous difference. But Campaign for Liberty can’t afford to pull out all the stops to gather those petitions without an influx of funds. After you sign your directive, please make the most generous contribution you can. If you can support our effort with a contribution of $100 or more, that goes a long way toward helping us generate even more heat in Washington. Of course, if that’s too much at this time, I hope you’ll consider chipping in $50, $25, or at least $10. Your support will enable Campaign for Liberty to turn up the heat on Congress when it matters most – early in this battle. So please be sure to sign your directive to Congress and then if possible, make a generous contribution to help support this critical battle. Together, we can shut down this rampant and dangerous abuse of our Fourth Amendment rights. Thanks for all you do, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. We have champions of freedom in the House and Senate who are ready to make this battle, but it’s all about the pressure on each member of Congress that will ultimately win this battle. Won’t you please sign your STOP THE SURVEILLANCE STATE petition and make your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty crank up the heat right away? ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |