HEADLINES: Bernie to Reintroduce M4A | Freedom from Medical Debt Launch | Ro Khanna Joins Patient Advocates | NCLC Policy Breakdown | New Med Debt Action Team | Share Your Story! | Medical Debt & M4A Stickers | & MORE!
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 On Wednesday, we’ll join Bernie Sanders, Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell, and healthcare justice leaders to reintroduce Medicare for All! If you’re near DC, come out and show your support for universal, single-payer health care in America. This is a chance to show the strength of our movement and the power of our demand. JOIN US IN DC ★ ★ ★
Become a cosponsor to End Medical Debt and advance the fight for Medicare for All! Help fund our work as we organize people across the country to take on price-gouging hospitals, predatory debt collectors, and more!
Pitch in $10 or sign up with a recurring donation of at least $5 and get these new stickers with our gratitude!
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As we join Bernie and Pramila in the fight for Medicare for All, we also just kicked off our new campaign to End Medical Debt on our LIVE Town Hall Monday with US Rep. Ro Khanna and our brave members who spoke out to share their stories. “Progressives are beginning a new offensive on Capitol Hill: Taking on America’s staggering medical debt,” The Independent wrote of our campaign launch. “Headed up by Our Revolution, advocates around the country are gathering horror stories where lifesaving treatment often becomes a financial death sentence.”
Our patient activists (read some of their stories below) have been meeting with Ro Khanna and Bernie’s team as they get ready to introduce the Freedom from Medical Debt Initiative — and our organizers have big plans around the country. “It’s time to wipe the slate clean and cancel all medical debt,” Ro said. “This would pressure Congress and the White House to protect patients from the horrendous price-gouging and predatory debt-collecting tactics that bankrupt hard-working Americans every day.” WATCH OUR FREEDOM FROM MEDICAL DEBT TOWN HALL HERE!
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“The bill will say, if you have medical debt, it’s erased to zero,” Ro told us Monday. “Hospitals need to wipe it out, they’re making way too much profit off of it. It’s affordable and it’s the first step to Medicare for All.” As OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese explained at the town hall, we also have the leverage of federal funding, which makes up the majority of hospital revenue, that can be used to stop the pipeline of new debt. “Hospitals are federal contractors who receive hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars through Medicare and Medicaid,” Joseph said. “That means we the people have the power to withhold federal funding from hospitals that hurt patients.”
“The president could sign an executive order that if you get federal funding, you can’t engage in price gouging, you can’t engage in predatory collections from individuals or we’re going to stop the hospital from getting federal funding,” Ro told us Monday. “We can stop the most egregious practices with the leverage that we have with federal funds. That’s why we’ve got to push the president to do it,” he said in this clip.
“You know, as it turns out with a lot of things, good policy that helps people turns out to be good politics,” Ro said. “If you do things that help people's lives, people tend to think that’s good politics.” "Medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcies in the United States," Our Revolution executive director Joseph Geevarghese told The Hill. "We can stop that and the president has the power.” Covid-era Medicaid is drying up for millions, meaning more people will be pushed into debt, and as Biden gears up for re-election, taking action on medical debt would be a step toward earning trust and higher approval ratings. But, mostly, the President should do it because it’s the right thing.
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Congress and the White House have the power to act. Our Revolution will be mobilizing actions on the ground and inside the halls of power to: cancel medical debt, end price-gouging, guarantee the right to free care and stop predatory collection tactics.
Sign up to plug into this important work and we’ll reach out with an invite for the first team meeting Wednesday night following the Medicare for All reintroduction rally with Bernie and Rep. Jayapal!
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People are hurting and we know the root causes. An estimated 41% of Americans are saddled with nearly $200 billion in medical debt. It forces people to cut back on food and shelter, put off needed care, and put their lives on credit cards (as you’ll read below).
Berneta Haynes of the National Consumer Law Center talked at our Town Hall about factors of race, wealth, insurance status, and chronic conditions, but she also exposed the role of hospitals in America’s mounting medical debt crisis.
Despite the ACA, hospitals are getting away with price-gouging patients, failing to inform them about their right to free care and aid, then resorting to predatory collections practices like placing liens on homes and wage garnishments.
“Charity care accounts for about 1-4% of expenses at private, tax-exempt, nonprofit hospitals. We see top hospitals hounding patients for $1800 while raking in billions and sending people into a debt spiral,” Berneta said. “Then they claim that as part of their charity care - after ruining people’s credit, maybe their ability to get housing or a job.”
“Elizabeth McLaughlin shared her account on the town hall of how treatment in 2017 put her tens of thousands in debt as she put utility bills and groceries on credit rather than face medical debt collectors,” wrote Independent.
“I got injured, then got sick. I was afraid they’d stop seeing me, so I paid the doctors and put my life on credit cards,” Betsy told us. “I pass the debt from one card to another. In the meantime, I’m just grateful I’m employed, insured, and can keep making the payments.”
“Every time you go it’s going to cost you more money, so it’s been drilled into all of us not to go to the doctor like we don’t deserve it,” said Betsy, who’s 62 and lives in Indiana. “It all comes down to one thing: healthcare costs too much and we can’t all get it.
Denise Lyons, 70, of Michigan, spoke at our Town Hall of her inability to retire from nursing or get the care she needs for multiple serious health issues.
“I was diagnosed with diabetes and the second stage of kidney failure,” she said. “Now, she’s putting off biopsies and canceled her appointments with the cardiovascular specialist and the dentist because of high copays.”
“I know putting off care is dangerous, but I can’t afford treatment or to go into more debt,” Denise told us.
Kristin Noreen, 59, of Washington, told us of her harrowing experience of being hit by a car while riding her bike in 2010, which led to traumatic brain injury, getting her hand reattached, and barely survived.
“Like anyone, I thought I would be set for life,” she said. “If I’d have known how it was going to be, I might have given up. I’m glad I didn’t, but there’s no end in sight for this debt cycle.”
Insurance failed to cover 100 percent of the $1 million total and subsequent care, so Kristin racked up $60k on credit cards. “I sold my home, my retirement account is gone, and I declared bankruptcy,” she told us.
“I’m back up to $10k in debt, and I can’t work as much as I need,” Kristin said. “My parents took out a home equity loan, my friend paid for some dental care I needed. it’s a vicious cycle.”
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“Sharing your stories is so important,” Ro Khanna told our members. “Congress members across the country need to realize that medical debt affects real people — it’s affecting their constituents and they should sign on.”
Do you owe money for medical care that you couldn’t afford? Have you put life expenses on credit cards to pay medical bills? Share your story!
Our goal is to feature voices from every congressional district in America. Join the hundreds of people already speaking out through our survey.
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Bernie, AOC, and Our Revolution are all-in for Helen Gym for Philly Mayor! Our Philly members will join them for a rally for Helen in Philadelphia on Sunday, hoping to repeat the magic progressives pulled off to elect new Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson last month. “Just like we saw in Chicago, this contest in Philadelphia will come down to big money versus grassroots organizing,” Joseph Geevarghese, executive director of Our Revolution, told The Hill this week.
The Hill noted that Our Revolution is getting to work, putting our “mobilization muscle of 40,000 members in the city behind Gym.” And now, Helen is polling in the lead of this crowded race! “What we know is that progressives’ messaging on issues from public safety to education to good jobs and housing has resonated with the Democratic base in key cities, from Chicago to St. Louis,” Joseph said. “We are confident that this message, championed by Helen Gym, will resonate with Philadelphians on election day.”

A former public school teacher and community activist, Helen said on our recent Live Call: “When we win on the ground in our cities, that’s the blueprint, because we cannot wait for Congress.” It’s time to turn out progressive super voters in Philadelphia, where we’ll be mobilizing our 42k members and making 300k voter contacts in the city. “Our theory of change,” Joseph said, “is if we can get that slice of the electorate out, through multiple contacts, that can be a game changer.” JOIN OUR ELECT PROGRESSIVES TEAM
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Also in Philly, Our Revolution is proudly supporting Amanda McIllmurray, a working-class organizer who would be the first openly queer Council Member ever in the city! In 2016, Amanda was working as a nanny, a law firm clerk, and a softball umpire when she began organizing for Bernie Sander's presidential campaign and building local progressive power. “I’m running to win good jobs, affordable housing, worker’s rights, and universal family care,” Amanda said. As the daughter of union members, she knows “everyone deserves the chance to have just ONE job, a family-sustaining job.”
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Our Revolution backed Rep. Sara Innamorato in her run for PA House in 2018 alongside now-US Rep. Summer Lee, and now we’re proud to endorse for Allegheny County Executive - a key seat in Pittsburgh! With the progressive movement at her back, she’s now leading the establishment favorite by double digits in the polls, but we’re taking nothing for granted. As State Rep, Sara led dozens of bills for affordable housing, higher wages, environmental protections, reproductive healthcare, and much more. As County Exec, she’d have the power to directly affect people’s lives — from county-wide housing to addressing human rights violations in the county jail to protecting abortion care.
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VICTORY! With the support of the progressive movement, community organizers and San Antonio Council Members Teri Castillo (D-5) and Jalen McKee-Rodriguez (D-3) won their races for re-election!
Teri and Jalen helped pass a $17.50 minimum wage in the city and worked with the community to secure permanent affordable housing measures that passed by one vote on the council.
“We’re bringing more people into the process for solutions on housing, workers' rights, and more,” Teri told us.

Also in Texas, Our Revolution-backed ballot measure Prop A passed in Austin, showing voters want to hold police accountable and deter the use of excessive force.
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NEW ENDORSEMENT! Our Revolution is backing Aaron Regunberg for US Congress in a crowded race to replace outgoing David Cicilline in RI-1.
"I’m proud to have earned the endorsement of Our Revolution, which was founded by Bernie Sanders and supports progressive leaders with track records of organizing broad coalitions to make a difference for everyday people,” Aaron told The Boston Globe.
“That’s what I’ve done here in Rhode Island by helping secure passage of paid sick days, higher wages, harm reduction strategies, and new clean energy programs — and that's what I'll do in Congress.”
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We have a chance to elect several great progressives in Virginia on Election Day June 20th!
For the State Senate, Our Revolution is backing Ben Litchfield (SD-27), Heidi Drauschak (SD-35), and Elizabeth Guzman; and for the State House, we’re backing Rozia Henson (HD-19).
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We have a chance to build out progressive power at the city and state level where it can directly affect lives. The best way to make an impact on these races from anywhere in the country is to sign up to make calls with our team of volunteers.
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On Monday of this week, Our Revolution NYPAN activists were arrested alongside Susan Sarandon and OFW President Saru Jayaraman at an action calling for New York to raise the minimum wage and end the subminimum wage for tipped workers.
Our state bill there has 33 cosponsors and growing because of all of you and your support, so we look forward to seeing NY step up and do what’s right.
A reminder, if you want to get involved with our Raise the Wage Team to organize state by state for better pay and an end to subminimum wages for tipped workers.
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On Monday, Our Revolution will join another global day of action to Make Amazon Pay. This time, we’re demanding Amazon pay its writers as we support striking members of the Writers Guild of America!
Get involved with our global coalition holding demonstrations and showing solidarity across the internet with the hashtags #MakeAmazonPay and #WGAStrike.
This struggle highlights how Amazon’s business extends across the global economy and threatens working conditions everywhere. It can also teach us the power we can build when allies stand together along supply chains and across borders.
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Become a co-sponsor for our campaign to End Medical Debt, and Stand with Bernie and Rep. Jayapal in the fight for Medicare for All. Chip in $10 (or $5 recurring) and we'll send you these two new stickers with our gratitude. Members get both stickers with any donation of $5 or more.
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Congress and the White House have the power to act. Our Revolution will be mobilizing actions on the ground and inside the halls of power to: cancel medical debt, end price-gouging, guarantee the right to free care and stop predatory collection tactics.
Sign up to plug into this important work and we’ll reach out with an invite for the first team meeting Wednesday night following the Medicare for All reintroduction rally with Bernie and Rep. Jayapal!
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On Wednesday, we’ll join Bernie Sanders, Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell, and healthcare justice leaders to reintroduce Medicare for All!
If you’re near DC, come out and show your support for universal, single-payer health care in America. This is a chance to show the strength of our movement and the power of our demand.
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Join us next Monday, May 22nd for our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Broadcast with Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison to discuss his new book Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police.
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