Dear Partners, 

Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released guidance on Medicaid block grants that encouraged states to restructure their Medicaid programs. This new effort from the Trump administration, misleadingly titled Healthy Adult Opportunity (HAO), is in stark violation of Medicaid law, and represents a major threat to tens of millions of Medicaid beneficiaries.

Read our new analysis to learn more about the dangers HAO poses


You can take action against these harmful efforts using our digital toolkit: CMS Medicaid Block Grant Guidance. The toolkit includes key messages, background information, analyses, infographics, and more to help you highlight the devastating impacts these block grants pose.

Please feel free to distribute this toolkit among your networks, and join us in speaking out against this harmful guidance. Together, our voices can send a powerful message about the importance of upholding health coverage and care. 

To your health, 

Raven Gomez,
Partnerships Coordinator
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