Your Intentions: Join Today’s Marian Holy Hour and May
Crowning Live!

Dear Friend,
Senseless, brutal killings – a
large number of murder/suicides have occurred in Utah, Mississippi,
Texas, Michigan, California, Washington D.C., Tennessee, Alabama,
Georgia, Oklahoma and many other states. We are not even half-way
through 2023; how much worse can it get?
Let us focus on the Queen of
Peace, for the special Virtual May Crowning will be live
Crowning Our Lady in the month of
May has long been an efficacious devotion, that unites our hearts to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Please join
us TODAY, May 13, at 9:00
AM PDT (California time) either in-person or via the international livestream. Bishop Ramon Bejarano of the Diocese of
San Diego will preside at this inspiring Marian event to commemorate
the 106th anniversary of the first Fatima
Apparition. The Catholic Action sculpted replica of the International
Fatima Statue will enter in procession, Our Blessed Mother will be
crowned, and hymns sung. Bishop Bejarano will lead us in the Holy
Rosary and the Litany of Loreto, followed by a blessing with the
first-class relics of Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, two of the
shepherd children that Our Lady of Fatima appeared to. The pastor of
Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish, Fr. Anthony Saroki, will assist in
this special occasion.
For this Marian Holy Hour, the
faithful may receive a partial indulgence when participating in the
Litany of Loreto (the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary) that will be
led by Bishop Bejarano.
During the Ceremonial Crowning of
Our Lady, your intentions will be
included, along with the general intention that all you and everyone in
attendance will receive a myriad of graces (including a partial indulgence) as we ponder in our hearts the Message of
Fatima and strive to develop a more serious Devotion to Our Lady,
through which she wishes to bring us to a greater love of
If you are joining remotely, please
know that although you will not be present in the church, we can come
together to find peace in Our Lady. Join
us live to be both
inspired and spiritually nourished by our Blessed Mother!
Join us for this Virtual May Crowning Livestream!
May Our Lady Fatima obtain for us what we lovingly ask of
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith
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