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Dear John,

The election for Philly’s City Controller is literally just hours away...

In just four days, the voters of Philadelphia will go to the polls and cast their vote for City Controller. The choice is clear: will it be the candidate who speaks truth to power or the one who’s paid by power. 

I’m the only candidate in the race who's willing to take on powerful interests in this city to champion the people. That’s why I’m the right woman for the job. 

But in a three-way race like ours, it’s going to be close. Every vote —and every voter is going to matter. That’s why, if we want to win, we have to keep our newest ad up on air till results are in on Tuesday night. 

Our TV ad is the very best way for us to reach the number of voters we’ll need to win. But, we have to raise another $14,576 just to keep going through Election Day. Please, can you rush a donation — anything you can spare right now will count — to help keep our ad up!

Donate now to keep our ad on the air ›››

Your support has meant EVERYTHING to me, that’s why I’m asking for you to have my back now. I know we can win this, together. 

With gratitude,

Alexandra Hunt, MS, MPH, ACRP-CP

Democrat for Philly City Controller


Alexandra Hunt is a public health researcher, a girls’ soccer coach, an advocate for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, and a community organizer. 

She's the daughter of two teachers and a sister to a twin brother with a learning disability. Seeing the systemic obstacles her brother faced inspired Alexandra to become an advocate and challenge barriers on the basis of race, gender, class, and ability.

Now, Alexandra's running to be the Philly's next City Controller because the people in Philly work too hard for too little. And right now, line items in budgets create lines for food and health care. It's time to elect a City Controller who is going to prioritize the needs of the communities Philly's money comes from.

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