We have an urgent, updated call to action now that President Trump has been acquitted! The actions below are very, very important for a couple of reasons. First, we have to express our gratitude when elected officials do something right so that we aren’t always just telling them they’re doing it wrong. Second, we need to keep the momentum going to investigate the root cause of all of this corruption and the coup attempt.
Please complete the following action items as soon as you can!
Action Item #1 If one or both of your Senators voted to acquit, please call them just to say thank you for doing the right thing and voting to acquit President Trump! It looks like we do not have your address in our system, and therefore, cannot locate the senators that represent your state. Please Update Your Profile to have this key information provided in the future. In the meantime, visit our Find Your Members of Congress area to locate this contact information, or call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be transferred to each office. (NOTE: You will need to call the Capitol Switchboard each time to be transferred.) We estimated that you live in DC. If this is incorrect, please Update Your Profile. If your Senators voted to convict, then don’t worry about calling them. Instead, call the following Senators to tell them thanks, because they did the right thing in spite of a lot of pressure to convict. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Action Item #2 Contact Sen. Lindsey Graham to tell him thank you for his vote AND to thank him in advance for the work he says he will do to investigate the origins of this coup attempt and the Joe & Hunter Biden issue.
Note: Sen. Graham has talked for a while about holding hearings in the Judiciary Committee in the Senate to call witnesses and get to the bottom of all of this Deep State corruption. It’s very, very important that we put positive pressure on him to keep him moving forward on these investigations.
Use the sample call script below, if you’d like. And everyone can call Sen. Graham – you don’t have to just be his constituent! ![]() sen. Lindsey Graham (R - SC)
PHONE SCRIPT “Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am calling to thank Senator Graham for his vote to acquit President Trump, as well as to thank him in advance for the hearings and investigations he will lead in the Judiciary Committee to get to the bottom of the coup attempt by the Deep State, to take out President Trump. We must hear from the whistleblower and others, including Hunter Biden, to make sure there is accountability and that this can never happen to another President again. The House Democrats will never investigate these matters and so it is the Senate’s duty to do so, and I appreciate Senator Graham’s pledge to investigate, get to the truth, and finally get some accountability for President Trump and the American people. Thank you!”
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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