John –
Congress is finally starting to listen to what voters have been telling them for decades: Elected officials shouldn’t be able to trade stocks.
Last week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers1 introduced The Bipartisan Restoring Faith in Government Act in the U.S. House of Representatives to prevent members of Congress from actively trading stocks.
This is just the latest in an all-out sprint to put an end to this clear conflict of interest, and we’re ecstatic to finally see movement!
We’ve got the momentum behind us, and multiple opportunities to get it done. Now is the time to act! Send a message to your member of Congress RIGHT NOW to demand they do everything they can to pass a Congressional stock ban.

Right now, members of Congress are able to trade individual stocks with little to no oversight. Seems pretty shady, doesn’t it?
The news of this new bill comes on the heels of thousands of RepresentUs supporters like you calling on their elected officials to do something to address this bogus behavior.
It’s a no-brainer. People left, right, and center agree that passing legislation like this would be a major step toward restoring our faith in government. So what are they waiting for?
It’s time to get this done. Will you help us turn up the volume and add your voice to the growing number of Americans demanding Congress ban stock trading now?
Thanks for helping us get this across the finish line.
Ben Levinsohn Mobilization Manager RepresentUs
[1] "Bipartisan group, including Gaetz and Ocasio-Cortez, unveil bill to ban lawmakers from owning stocks", CBS  |