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Dear Friends,
We're in the final countdown for TX Lege! Only 2 weeks and 3 days left. So it's time to carefully choose our battles. We can no longer afford to pursue things that have little to no chance of making it through the process, and instead, need to focus on the important priority issues that still do have a chance for success.
That's a tough thing to do, because it means letting go of some things that are very important to us all. The Democrats and Republicans in the TX House have severely let us down (again!) on several issues. Now we have to fight for the ones that still have a hope, and mostly depend on the Senate to either make things happen, or stop the bad stuff.
Something to remember regarding these bills that are being killed or stalled on points of order. When the Speaker sustains a point of order, 10 members can object to the decision and override it. Last week, when the SB14 and HB20 points of order were sustained, there were not 10 Republican members that would stand up to object and override them. That means that there are not 10 strong Republicans in the TX House who will stand up and do the right thing. Very sad!
Here are some things that can still be addressed with hope for success. I'm sure there are others, and I'll get emails saying "why didn't you mention XXX" but these are the hot ones that I know about. If you know others, please share on the Citizen Advocate FB page.
SB14 - Ban gender modification of children is back on the Major State Calendar for today, May 12. After 2 previous attempts thwarted with points of order, we still have hope that this will make it today. It's the only thing on the major calendar but don't be fooled - there is always business from the previous day that has to be dealt with, so who knows what time they will get to it. They gavel in at 9.
SB12 - Prevent children from attending drag shows was heard in the House State Affairs Committee, but was left pending.
SB14 - contact your Rep (especially the Democrat ones), Phelan's office, and the Governor. Tell them SB14 must pass, and and they MUST stop the Democrats attempts to derail it with frivolous objections. Bob Green made some excellent points about the Democrats:
It's noteworthy that SB 14 has 10 authors, 5 Co-Authors and 76 Co-Sponsors listed; and I'm not sure if any of the Dems would really want their vote against SB 14 (to support the performance of gender contradicting mutilations of gender-confused children) to be publicized to all of their constituents. So, check your voter registration card, and if any of these lefties are your State Rep., CALL them: Howard, Cole (HD 46), Hinojosa (HD 49), Zwiener (HD 45), Goodwin (HD 47), Talarico (HD 52), Israel (HD 50), and Rodriguez (HD 51). Let these liberal Dems (but I repeat myself) know that you support SD 14 and that you will publicize their "no" vote if they cast it against SB 14.
If you live in those Reps districts he mentions, be sure to make it clear that you support SB14 and expect it to pass.
SB12 - Contact members of the House State Affairs Committee. Tell them to move SB12 out of committee, and expedite calendars to get it to a floor vote.
HB20 - Our best hope and opportunity for meaningful border security is dead. After surviving 2 points of order and a barrage of arguments against, Rep. Rafael Anchia filed a point of order that the Speaker sustained, and killed the bill. Rep. Ryan Guillen amended his HB 7 to add most of the Border Protection Unit creation language back into his bill, and got it passed. But what we no longer have in HB 7 is the most important item of the session – the invocation of Texas’ right to independent, no-permission-needed self defense in Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution.
Fortunately, the Senate has delivered just such a document - SCR 23by Senator Lois Kolkhorst. It passed the Senate with only one vote against. And it is sitting in the House State Affairs Committee, waiting for a hearing.
HB7 also has some bad stuff that sneaked in last minute with an amendment. It requires consent from border county commissioners. There is a chance to fix and make better when it goes to the Senate.
WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR BORDER SECURITY: Contact members of the House State Affairs Committee and demand that they hold a hearing on SCR23 quickly and move it immediately through Calendars and to the floor for a vote. Also contact Senators about fixing HB7 when it comes to them.
HB900 - Removes dirty books from school libraries, passed the House and was referred to Senate Public Ed where a hearing was held yesterday. It is still pending in committee.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO DEFEAT DIRTY BOOKS: Contact members of the Senate Public Ed Committee and urge them to vote it out of Committee quickly.
The Gambling Bills HJR155 and HJR102 are moving through the House. TTP has tried to stop these bills, but HJR102 was passed yesterday with 102 yes votes (2 more than the required 100). I've heard that a lot of vote wrangling went on in order to reach the 100 needed. HJR155 had a 92/51 vote on Wednesday, but has now been postponed to midnight tonight to try to whip the 100 votes needed for a constitutional amendment. (Don't you just love the way the House plods and plunks along about stopping the mutilation of children, but can go full speed ahead on legalized gambling?)
Interesting observation on the gambling bills - HJR102 (sports betting) received YAY votes from the likes of Leo-Wilson, Bumgarner, Frazier, Holland, Kacal, Schofield, Tindrholt, Troxclair, Thimesch. We have a lot of supporters in those districts - you might want to contact your rep if you are one of them. Then... on HJR155 (the casino bill) I noticed that Tinderholt, Troxclair, and Leo-Wilson voted NAY. Hmmmm.... you might want to ask them why.
WHAT YOU CAN DO TO STOP GAMBLING: The Casino bill will likely pass tonight in the House, and then everything rests with the Senate. Lt. Gov has said there is no support in the Senate for gambling bills, BUT... he might be wrong about that. So we can contact our Senators and members of the Senate Committee it gets assigned to to get them to kill the gambling bills.
If you're interested in the School Choice/ESA bill: SB8 passed Senate, and is now in the hands of the House Education Committee. On Wed. Chair Buckley asked for permission from the House to suspend the rules requiring 3 days notice of meetings (a common practice). Rep Earnest Bailes (R) objected to the motion and it failed on a 65/76 vote. This is a Republican trying to derail a Republican Legislative Priority. This is practically unheard of for the anyone to object to these requests for committee meetings. The bill is now set for hearing on Monday May 15. If you want to support or oppose, you can get yourself to Austin on Monday to testify. Love it or hate it - be sure you read the committee substitute that will likely change it significantly for the original.
SB17 - the bill that would have prevented colleges and university from using DEI in hiring and policy was a strong bill passed in the Senate. It is now in House Higher Ed committee being gutted with a committee substitute.
HB3502 - the bill that would provide health care benefits to people who are de-transitioning and or experiencing adverse effects from transition treatment is DEAD thanks to Democrats chubbing and running out the clock.
HB3418 - the pilot program for a mileage tax passed first reading at 102/35 and third reading at 96/46. That means that a lot of Republicans voted for it. It now goes to the Senate.
On a positive note - SB1527 that would impose harsher punishments on sex traffickers has passed both chambers and been sent to the Governor. Fingers crossed that he signs it.
So there is a brief snapshot of how our Republican representatives have failed us again. Please remember this next spring when they are running for re-election and telling you what a great conservative session we had in 2023! Be armed with the facts, and don't fall for the lies.
It's also time right now (ok, after May 29) to start recruiting candidates to challenge these awful representatives who run on the Republican ticket and behave like Democrats (or cowards).
Thank you for the work that you've done this session. I've seen more and more involvement, which makes my heart happy.
We'll be at the Capitol on Tuesday May 16th to continue the work. Please join us if you can - we'll meet up in the Rotunda at 10.
For Texas!
Fran Rhodes, President
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