The Latest From The Immigration Advocates Network

Justicia Lab Title 42 Statement

May 12, 2023


Yesterday marked the end of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) temporary Title 42 public health order, which enabled immigration officers to turn away asylum seekers prior to arriving on US soil and expel people seeking protection in the US. 


In the wake of Title 42, the US will rely on other mechanisms to continue denying migrants protection with the return to Title 8 enforcement and its expedited removals of migrants from several countries into Mexico. Additionally, the Biden Administration’s “Circumventing Lawful Pathways” rule will operate as an asylum transit ban and force migrants trying to navigate its restrictions to rely on the demonstratively problematic CBP One app. This barrier to protection puts asylum seekers at risk by running in direct opposition to US immigration laws and undermining humanitarian values, which guarantee migrants the right to seek asylum regardless of their means of entry. 


As the immigration landscape shifts, it is up to all of us to remain vigilant to determine how we can continue to support migrants facing evolving, systemic challenges and call for equitable, long term solutions. 

-In Power
The Immigration Advocates Network & Justicia Lab

IAN Hosts Deferred Action Webinar

On April 4th Ready to Stay Coalition partners NILC, NPNA and Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), provided updates on the new “streamlined process” created by DHS in January 2023, and dove deeper into the nuts-and-bolts of preparing an application.

This free webinar discussed the process for workers involved in a labor dispute at their workplace to request temporary protection from deportation and a work permit. Over the past several months, organizers and legal practitioners have been working together to implement this new "Deferred Action for Workers in Labor Disputes" program. Presenters were NILC Senior Labor & Employment Policy Attorney, Jessie Hahn; NILC Consulting Attorney, Lynn Damiano Pearson; United Farmworkers Foundation Systemic Change Organizing Coordinator, Alma Young; and Legal Aid Chicago's Director of the Immigrants & Workers Rights Practice Group, Lisa Palumbo.


Citizenshipworks Goes to the Welcoming Interactive Conference

Recently our CW team launched their new pricing model to the Welcoming Interactive Conference in San Jose, California where members of the immigration advocate community come together and share successful practices and inspiring stories about immigrant inclusion, programs, policies, and partnerships on economic development, civic engagement, government leadership, and more. 

Citizenshipworks Pro is a product of Justicia Lab,  and our mission is to transform immigrant justice through collaboration, creativity, and technology. We created Citizenshipworks to make applying for citizenship easy and accessible to all. From one-on-one intakes to virtual and in person workshops, Citizenshipworks Pro can be used in various ways to support your organization and modernize your naturalization program. Since launching Citizenshipworks we have helped over 50,000 individuals understand the naturalization process and apply for citizenship. Through our network of over 200 nonprofit and local partners, we’ve helped community-based organizations, libraries, government partners provide naturalization services across the country.



Have an immigration question? Ask the IAN Slack Community!

In case you missed it, the Immigration Advocates Network is piloting the use of Slack to provide more opportunities for our members to connect, collaborate and share resources. We hope this new community will create possibilities to find volunteer opportunities, support attorneys and accredited representatives, aid non-profit organizations in retrieving direction towards legal questions, and help non-profit organizations gather resources for clients! If you’re interested in joining fellow immigration advocates in our IAN Slack community click below to complete our application form.

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The Latest from Immigration Advocates Network

This is the monthly digest from the Immigration Advocates Network and our partners in immigrant advocacy:

  • Human Trafficking: Untangling the Legal Definition & Community Response , This IAN webinar from April 25th, 2023 deconstructed the legal definition of human trafficking, distinguished the characteristics of labor and sex trafficking, discussed the investigation and T Visa application processes, and shared different ways communities have come together to prevent trafficking and support its victims. It helped define the definition enough to recognize trafficking, learn enough about the process/responsiveness to identify key players for referrals, and consider timelines when considering holistic support.

  • Practice Manual: Labor-Based Deferred Action, This manual by NIPNLG, Tulane Immigrant Rights Clinic, Unemployed Workers United, and NILC, is intended for immigration practitioners representing workers applying for labor-based deferred action, which confers deferred action and work authorization for two years.

  • USCIS Updates Policy Guidance on Self-Selecting a Gender Marker on Forms and Documents,   U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is updating policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to clarify that, effective immediately, USCIS will accept the self-identified gender marker for individuals requesting immigration benefits. The gender marker they select does not need to match the gender marker indicated on their supporting documentation.

  • Best Practices and Resources for Representing Operation Allies Welcome Parolees and Afghan Nationals, This guide from AILA provides an overview of the most relevant immigration pathways available to Afghan nationals who left Afghanistan after U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan in August 2021. The goal is to connect readers with the extensive resources that are already out there in the immigration universe.

  • Deferred Action for Workers in Labor Disputes FAQ, This FAQ by NILPG and NILC, provides answers to questions about the new process for workers announced by DHS.

  • Deferred Action for Workers in Labor Disputes FAQ, This FAQ by NILPG and NILC, provides answers to questions about the new process for workers announced by DHS.

  • Working with Afghan Clients In this podcast IAN spoke with Spojmie Nasiri of Spojmie Nasiri Law and Katherine Veldhuizen, Program Coordinator with the Afghan Legal Clinic with The Advocates for Human Rights’ Refugee & Immigrant Program, about the challenges and issues Afghan clients are facing and ways immigration advocates can help.

Jobs in Immigrant Advocacy

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About the Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Justicia Lab, is an online community of over ten-thousand nonprofit professionals, pro bono lawyers, students, and faculty committed to fighting for immigrant justice. Join the IAN community to receive regular updates, connect with other members, and learn about new digital tools immigrant justice. 

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