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May 12, 2023

Support Young Adults Birding: Spotlight on Two Birdathon Teams

Photo: Laura McDonald

Birdathon is well underway. We are thrilled to have 13 teams this year. You can view them all here. We hope you will consider donating to cheer on some of our wonderful teams, such as the Bird Brains and the Freshwater Fledglings' Singsong Squad - both made up of young people in their 20s. Read more about them below and learn how to support them with a Birdathon donation.

To meet other younger birders, join the
Nextgen Birders for Conservation group on meetup. 

Bird Brains
The Bird Brains are Carlyn Kranking, 23, and Maggie Holland, 24. Carlyn is an online science editor for Smithsonian magazine and has been birding since fall 2021. Maggie is a receptionist at Countryside Animal Clinic and has been birding since January 2022. Both are super excited for their first-ever birdathon! They'll be doing their Big Day on May 12-13 and hope to find at least 50 species. They want to raise money for conservation, take exciting photos of birds and appreciate the peak of spring migration! One bird they especially hope to see is a barred owl. Please support their efforts by making a donation here.
The Freshwater Fledglings' Singsong Squad

The Freshwater Fledglings’ Singsong Squad is made up of Luke High, Andreana J. Lin, Zander Pellegrino, and Charlie Verderame. All of them are excited for their first Birdathon ever!

  • Luke High is a Cloud Solutions Engineer at Acuity International. He has been birding since November 2021. 

  • Andreana J. Lin is an Events & Outreach Associate with Virginia Conservation Network. She has been birding since Fall 2020. 

  • Zander Pellegrino is the Northern VA Grassroots Organizer for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. He has been birding since September 2021. 

  • Charlie Verderame is a music teacher at School of Rock. He has been birding since September 2020.

They will be doing their big day on May 21st. Their goals for their big day outing include seeing least bitterns, double-crested cormorants, marsh wrens, and any type of swallow at the beginning of their breeding seasons; raising awareness of birds and the crucial part they play in our ecosystem; and finding new species close to home. One bird they are really hoping to see on their big day is the red-throated loon. Please support their efforts by making a donation here.

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