VIDEO OF THE DAY: Trump commits ANOTHER crime after loss in court
Nice going, bozo! Barely a day after being found liable for defaming E. Jean Carroll, Trump went and did it AGAIN, on national television! Carroll's lawyers have already announced that she's considering suing him again. [RETWEET THAT!]
Take Action: Put Trump on trial for ALL his sexual assault allegations!
Federal judge rules 18-to-20-year-olds can't be barred from gun purchases
A George W. Bush-appointed federal judge issued a disastrous ruling on Thursday, effectively lowering the legal age to purchase firearms from licensed dealers to 18. US District Judge Robert E. Payne declared existing bans on sales to people under 21 unconstitutional and "not consistent with our nation's history and tradition." And what a rich history and tradition it is! Why, just this year alone, we've already clocked 15,291 gun-related deaths and we haven't even reached the halfway mark.
Take Action: Tell Congress to put an end to Republicans holding us hostage with the debt ceiling!

Millions of Americans just lost their healthcare
Health Access CA: The expiration of pandemic emergency measures means countless people no longer have health insurance, and states are spending millions more to try to kick more people off. Healthcare is a human right, and every American deserves to be able to go to the doctor when they need to. Will you add your name to demand Congress ensure affordable, accessible healthcare for all?
Regulators on the verge of bungling drug price reform, advocates say
Democrats' historic drug price reform bill is on the verge of accomplishing almost nothing because the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services incredulously want to use drug prices from the current, sky-high cost system — which is both arbitrary and fundamentally broken — as the baseline for pricing negotiations. “It’s beyond belief why they’re negotiating using those prices," said Steve Knievel with Public Citizen’s Access to Medicines program.
Take Action: Tell Republicans NO cuts to Social Security or raising retirement age!
How conservatives transformed a Colorado school district into a hotbed of extremism
The saga of Woodland Park, Colorado, is an all too-familiar tale of what happens when the most uptight, deranged, white, conservative, suburban tyrants seize control of a school board and immediately impose their extremist ideology on an ill-prepared school district. “They clearly are willing to sacrifice the public school and to put students presently in the public school through years of disarray to drive home their ideological beliefs. It’s a travesty,” said local parent and Republican Joe Dohrn.
Take Action: Demand NO guns on college campuses!

CNN CEO doubles down on disastrous Trump town hall
Chris Licht — who earned himself the nickname of "Boot Lichter" after Wednesday night's debacle — defended his decision to air a 70-minute, gaslight rally for the disgraced ex-president, telling a host of pissed-off CNN staffers, “I absolutely, unequivocally believe America was served very well by what we did last night." Licht went further, claiming the network did it's job by making "a LOT of news." Huh, we thought news networks were supposed to cover the news, not, ya know, produce it on behalf of treasonous crooks hellbent on destroying American democracy.
Yet another Michigan school district bans backpacks after loaded handgun is found in third-grader's backpack for the fourth time this year
Sorry, America, but it is obvious that you are not responsible enough to own guns if your elementary school kids keep bringing them to school! What exactly is well-regulated about this "militia" the Second Amendment is supposed to protect? [RETWEET THAT!]

Biden finally settles "age" question with MUST-SEE response
No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Perfect response.
🚨 BTC is just shy of hitting 2 million subscribers on YouTube! Can you make sure that you and everyone you know are subscribed to help get him over the top?
Baltimore recreates scandal-ridden plainclothes police units under new name
In 2017, members of the BPD's Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF), were federally indicted for stealing cash and drugs, dealing drugs, and planting evidence in one of the most outrageous police corruption scandals to ever see daylight. Now it looks like the same style of unit is back on the streets under the sanitized moniker of "District Action Teams."
Video showed an officer trying to stop his partner from killing a man. Now we know police investigators never even asked about the footage
An examination of the death of Kawasaki Trawick, a Black man who was shot to death by a NYPD officer responding to his 911 call, casts further doubt on spurious claims that police departments can be trusted to investigate excessive and deadly use of force by their own officers. All too often, internal investigations are little more than "NO WRONGDOING" rubber stamps, and the need for independent, third-party investigations has never been more apparent.
QAnon conspiracist and former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn is suing another conspiracist who claims he invented QAnon
Awesome. LOL. Let's go. We cannot wait to hear the courtroom arguments over who invented the idea that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against satanic, cannibalistic, deepstate pedophiles with the help of back-from-the-dead JFK Jr. and a time-travelling Barron Trump. [RETWEET THAT!]
Former DHS disinformation expert sues Fox News alleging defamation
Nina Jankowicz, who previously led the anti-disinformation Department of Homeland Security board and thus was subjected to an avalanche of hatred and harassment from Trump fans who didn't appreciate being told that their delusional conspiracies were lies, is now suing Fox News for putting a target on her back.

And in other news...
DEEP DIVE: What's going on at the border?
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Today’s Action: Join #Meds4McCarthy to fight McCarthy’s proposed Medicaid cut!
Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently introduced a disastrous bill that would drastically slash Medicaid funding and significantly restrict who is eligible to participate in the program. Medicaid is a bedrock of our country’s social safety net, serving 90 million Americans, including tens of millions of our country’s children. McCarthy has repeatedly made it clear he has no regard for our fundamental right to healthcare, and his latest move is nothing more than cynical ploy to redistribute wealth to the ultra-rich at the expense of marginalized and at-risk Americans.
TikTok’s The Pocket Report has started spreading #Meds4McCarthy, a plan to mail empty prescription bottles to the speaker himself — surely, he must have a plan to fulfill his constituents’ needs for healthcare since he’s so ready and willing to strip away access from millions of Americans.
Send your empty, cleaned out, unlabeled medicine bottles to Kevin McCarthy’s office, alongside information about America’s healthcare needs! Check out The Pocket Report’s #Meds4McCarthy brief to get started!
Still the OD Action newsletter you've come to know and love.