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Three women link arms, blocking traffic on a New York City Street and holding signs protesting the Trump Administration's changes to the "public charge" rule.

Last week, in an explicit attack on low-income immigrants, the Supreme Court upheld the Trump administration’s changes to the "public charge" rule—further chipping away at our traditions of welcoming immigrant communities. Now in less than 20 days, Trump’s draconian new rule will go into effect on February 24, 2020. 

The Supreme Court's ruling helps Trump close America’s doors to all  but the white and wealthy. 

The decision allows the rule to go into effect while the litigation on the merits of Public Charge continues in the lower courts. This change to the public charge rule means that immigrants who use certain programs such as Medicaid, SNAP, and subsidized housing assistance on or after February 24th could have their applications for green cards or visas denied. 

But it’s important to note that not all immigrants are affected by the rule, which excludes legal permanent residents and many other immigrants. Also, it's not retroactive—immigrants using these benefits before February 24th will not have that held against them when they apply for their green card. 

 If you or your loved ones have concerns or think you will be affected by these changes, please consult a qualified attorney, or direct your questions to the New Americans Hotline at (1-800-566-7636). 

It's important to stay informed and share accurate information about the rule. We'll be updating our website with multilingual resources soon. To request a training at your organization about public charge and the proposed rule changes, fill out our public charge training request form.

We know this fight isn't over. Together, we'll keep fighting to make the United States welcoming to all newcomers—not just the white and the wealthy. 

In solidarity, 

Abbey Sussell 
Public Charge Fellow

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