Hi there,
I’ll admit it; I may have shed a tear when I saw the US Supreme Court’s opinion this morning. The highest court in the country upheld Prop 12—what I think of as the strongest farm animal welfare law in the world—cementing essential protections for public health and for millions of animals.
Every animal deserves the space to turn around, stand up, and stretch their limbs. You know that. I know that. California voters overwhelmingly supported it. And now, the pig industry needs to reckon with it. Because the Supreme Court just upheld the common-sense California legislation that gives these most basic protections to millions of calves, chickens, and mother pigs.
For animals, this is nothing short of life-changing. This is the feeling of stretching out their wings for the first time. This is the relief of standing up and walking, instead of lying immobilized in a tiny crate for months on end. This is a life—finally—experienced beyond the cruel confines of a cage.
For animals, this is everything.
From Prop 12’s inception, the pig industry fought tooth and nail to undo the protections it provided. Their arguments failed… again. And again. And again. And today, the Supreme Court justices unanimously (9-0) rejected the industry’s primary claim.
However much they were willing to kick and scream, animal abusers couldn’t undermine a legitimate, legislative process—one that saw an overwhelming number of California voters support animal welfare and public health.
But (after a whopping five hours), the industry is already mobilizing to fight back.
The animal agriculture industry wields tremendous power over policy makers at all levels of government. And it’s already gearing up to push through new laws in Congress that would unravel these critical protections—not just in California, but in all states that have passed them. As a supporter of the ballot initiative and an intervening party in the case, we fought for Prop 12 at every level. And we’re not about to stop now.
We’re strengthening alliances across the movement, building a team of legislative experts strong enough to take on massive factory farming interests. Our new Animal Policy Alliance (APA) is laser-focused on driving policy change in the US to protect farmed animals. But that doesn’t happen without you.
The ag industry might have money, power, and the status quo on its side. But the facts are on our side. The votes are on our side. Common sense is on our side. Compassion is on our side. And most importantly, people like you are on our side—people all over the country who made this victory possible. If you’re in a position to give, donations of any size can help us build enough power to tackle the most influential industry abusers.
I hope you’re as proud as I am to be part of this movement. After all, the meat industry brought this case to the nation’s highest court for one reason: They’re threatened by the power of our voices when we raise them, together, for animals.
Today, they learned just how powerful we really are.
For the animals (that has an especially nice ring to it today, doesn’t it?),

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. This win is a building block for the food system we plan to create; a food system built on compassion, not cruelty. And we’re going to leverage this momentum for all it’s worth. Thank you for making this victory possible—along with everything it means for the future.