Look what you helped accomplish!
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The local elections in most cities were last Saturday. These are the elections that impact your daily life the most: school board, city council, and bonds that will only raise your taxes!

Each election day, no matter when it is, TTP puts out voter recommendations in as many races as possible. 

This year, we issued recommendations and voting suggestions for nearly 100 candidates!

We know there is not always a clear conservative option on the ballot. But, it's our duty to vote. 

Our team does the hard work for you to give you information and suggestions about who is the better of two choices - rarely do we outright endorse. Thousands of Texans seek out our suggestions, staying involved and active in the election process leading to more good people stepping up to run. 

We work hard to find and support the conservative, grassroot candidates who are ALWAYS the underdog. 

We have seen many conservative victories at the city and school board level that change the outcomes of our communities for the best. TTP is constantly keeping our ear to the ground to ensure we know the real priorities of the candidates on the ballot. 

These victories are thanks to grassroots supporters like YOU!  Your donations, phone calls, blockwalking, and overall involvement are making a difference in your community. 

We are grateful for the progress we are seeing around the state, but our work is not finished. Will you give a gift right now to ensure we have even more victories in the coming weeks?

A few upcoming items on our agenda ripe for victory include:

  • Getting important bills across the finish line in the legislature;
  • Educating and training tons of activists at one of our THREE Certified True Texan trainings before summer ends; and

Launching another satellite group next week!

Will you support these items, and our other work with a donation of $90, $45, or even $10?

Thank you for using our voting recommendations, sharing them with your friends, and getting involved in your local community. I can’t wait to tally up all of the victories after the next election: I wonder how many cities we’ll be in by then? 😃

For Texas,

Julie McCarty
True Texas Project CEO

P.S. Support from hundreds of Texans is helping more people get involved in their local community. Can you chip in $30 to help us reach even more Texans?

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