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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | May 11, 2023
We’re thrilled to provide you with this historical update - today, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against a meat industry challenge to California law Proposition 12. 

Proposition 12, which passed in a landslide victory with over 60% of the vote, bans extreme confinement in animal agriculture in California, as well as the sale in California of products derived from these practices.

The pork industry has challenged Proposition 12 in four separate lawsuits, and every court to consider each of the cases, at both the trial and appellate level, has ruled against the industry. The case, brought to the Supreme Court by the National Pork Producers Council, argued that out-of-state pork producers should be able to sell pig products in California without complying with Proposition 12’s space requirements.
“No matter how cruel or painful a practice is, the animal agriculture industry has fought against laws to prohibit it–in this case, all the way to the Supreme Court,” said Cheryl Leahy, Executive Director at Animal Outlook. “When a powerful industry will stop at nothing to make complicity in cruelty mandatory, it’s a clear sign that the cruelty is part and parcel of that industry, and the only way to refuse to be a part of it is to stop eating animals altogether.”
Today’s Supreme Court opinion vindicates the right of all of us to stand up and refuse to be complicit in cruel industries like the pork industry. The court said “[i]n a functioning democracy, those sorts of policy choices…belong to the people and their elected representatives.” It’s not huge corporations who get to decide it’s morally acceptable to commit cruelty for profit - the power to determine what’s morally allowable in society belongs to us. This is a monumental day for the principle that we all have the power – with our wallets and our political action as citizens –  to dismantle cruelty, and ultimately the animal ag industries that rely upon it to exist.  

Surveys report that 80% of voters across party lines nationwide support the protections provided by Proposition 12 and that they would welcome laws providing such protections in their home states. We hope this is just the beginning of the country moving towards a kinder tomorrow for all animals. But your help is needed. Will you stand with us as we fight for farmed animals across the country? 
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Today was a win for farmed animals, but the fight is not yet over. We will not stop working while animals still suffer, and we hope we can count on your support as together we continue to expose the truth and inspire change. 
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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