Dear friend,
FAMM has a full agenda for our sentencing and prison reform efforts in 2020.
In many states — including Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona, Tennessee, and North Carolina — we are fighting to repeal or otherwise reform mandatory minimum sentences. We are looking to increase the amount of time incarcerated people can shave off their sentences for good behavior and rehabilitative programming.
At both the state and federal levels, we are pushing for prison reform so that people serving time are kept safe, treated with dignity, and given the opportunity to rehabilitate themselves. We are urging several states — including Mississippi — to establish independent oversight of their prisons and to create robust compassionate release programs that allow early release for sick and elderly people who do not pose a threat to public safety.
While we look for victories in the short term, we also plan to use 2020 to lay the groundwork for bolder reforms in the future. We'll continue to push for second look laws that allow courts to resentence individuals after they have served substantial time and demonstrated that they are ready for a second chance.
We aim to win hearts and minds for our cause by running campaigns like the #VisitAPrison challenge. We also plan to release compelling new videos that highlight the human cost of our broken justice system. We want policymakers to see firsthand why reform is so important.
Through all this, we are going to continue to work with you, your family, and your community to build an army of informed and powerful advocates for change. If we can’t make politicians see the light, then we need to make them feel the heat.

Kevin Ring President, FAMM
P.S. If you can, please make a special gift to aid our efforts in 2020: