On Saturday, May 6th, the Alabama Democratic Party abolished the three DNC-mandated constituency caucuses which afford young democrats, disabled democrats, and LGBTQ+ democrats automatic representation on the ADP Executive Committee, the ADP’s principal decision-making body. Many members of the affected constituencies were prevented from voting to preserve their caucus because of a surprise $50 fee levied against committee members in order to vote; not everyone was notified of the fee, and payment at the door was not accepted. Even after suppressing duly-elected committee members’ right to vote, the standing vote to abolish the caucuses failed—but the chair ruled that it had passed and refused to allow a roll call vote to confirm the results.


The Young Democrats of America are unafraid to call this what it is: corrupt. As Democrats across America are fighting to preserve and expand voting rights for all people, the leaders of the Alabama Democratic Party have brought back the poll tax. When the poll tax didn’t work, they lied. When members demanded accountability, they were denied. Not only was Saturday’s meeting a mockery of democratic process, it showed who the leadership of the Alabama Democratic Party is willing to cast aside for political gain.


Our success as a party will not come at the expense of the young, the disabled, and the queer. Our diversity is our strength. We find our victory at the crossroads of our diverse, multiracial, and multigenerational coalition. The Young Democrats of America are appalled at the blatant disenfranchisement of the young people of the Alabama Democratic Party and stand in solidarity with abolished disability and LGBTQ+ caucuses. We urge the DNC to take swift action to address the events which transpired on May 6th, and also to address the pattern of anti-democratic behaviors of the Alabama Democratic Party.


YDA has opened a petition to support the young Democrats, the disabled Democrats, and LGBTQ+ Democrats and to call on the DNC to do the same. Add you name now to show your support.


The Young Democrats of America (YDA) is the official youth wing of the Democratic Party of the United States and the oldest partisan youth organization in the country. To help us mobilize the next generation of Democrats, donate anything you can afford right now to YDA.


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