The past three weeks have been both frantic and fantastic.
Despite the sudden announcement of the general election, together we managed to get the One Future Campaign for Faster and Fairer Climate Action off the ground, into the world, and into the eyes and ears of both voters and election candidates.
This couldn't have been done without all the volunteers, the canvassers, and all of you speaking about climate to candidates face-to-face, emailing them asking to sign the candidate pledge and sharing posts on social media. It really does take a village!
And now we want to make sure this village can keep going. Can you chip in now to help make that happen?
Chip in to keep going!
One Future has potential to become something really big. Whoever gets elected on Saturday, and whoever forms the next Government, we know that only a strong climate movement will ensure that they take climate action fast enough, and make it fair enough.
This Campaign grew out of conversations in late 2019 between the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and other civil society umbrella organisations including the National Women's Council and Union of Students of Ireland as well as grassroots climate activist groups like Not Here Not Anywhere and Love Leitrim - to name a few.
Many of these organisations sponsored the launch of this campaign, and it's these collective efforts teamed with the commitment of One Future supporters across the country which have gotten us through this election campaign.
Let's keep going!
Since launching three weeks ago, 70 organisations have put their hands up to support the campaign with many more signing up every day.
One Future is a people's campaign - it's for everyone. It's important to us that we make sure every corner of society has its voice heard so we can achieve faster and fairer climate action - and leave nobody behind.
We've been so blown away by the kind hearts, ambition and determination of everyone involved in this campaign. Thank you!
Áine, Meaghan and everyone at One Future
P.S. Join tomorrow's final action - groups are leading canvasses and flyer distributions at busy transport hubs across the country. Click here to join or lead an action on your commute tomorrow!
P.P.S. You may have heard Twitter shut down our page yesterday just when we asked you to share our tweet to get more candidates to sign the pledge. We're back up and running now - so please retweet this post now.
One Future is reliant on people like you to keep the pressure on government for faster and fairer climate action. Chip in now to keep the campaign alive!
Donate now
One Future is hosted by the Stop Climate Chaos coalition. All donations made will go straight into the One Future campaign.