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Save the Children Action Network is the political voice for kids.
John –
It’s easy for kids to lose themselves in the chaos of conflict, poverty and hunger.
Especially when they’re going it alone.
Children need more support — and to fight for it, we need more advocates like you.
Please, give today to help us protect their tomorrows [[link removed]] .
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Kids around the world are facing the unthinkable. They need more mental health support — and your donation can help fight for it. [[link removed]]
Donate Today [[link removed]]
Hi John,
Mother’s Day is right around the corner… and believe it or not, the MINDS Act has a lot to do with it.
Because without support, even super moms don’t stand a chance against mental health disorders. Just ask Julia*.
The war in Ukraine changed her 8-year-old daughter — and when Sofiia* suffers, Julia does, too.
“Now, she gets worried without reason. She gets upset about little things. She’s prone to crying.”
John, honor a mom like Julia with a donation today, and we can fight harder for families — starting with stronger psychosocial support . [[link removed]]
Join The Movement [[link removed]]
Struggling kids need more than a teddy bear. More than a blanky. More than a hug.
Your compassion can help us train more advocates. They’ll urge lawmakers to pass legislation like the MINDS Act, which would provide the resources to heal from life-altering trauma.
Do more for moms and kids. Make a donation today [[link removed]] . [[link removed]]
Give Today [[link removed]]
Thank you for all you do for children,
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Christy Gleason
Executive Director
Save the Children Action Network
*Name changed for child’s protection
Kids need your voice and your compassionate support. Your donation will help hold lawmakers – from the White House to state houses – accountable to children’s needs. Please donate today – even $5 can make a difference! [[link removed]]
Save the Children Action Network | 899 North Capitol Street NE | Suite 900 | Washington
District of Columbia 20002 | (800) 243-5075
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