CDP INSTANTLY FAX Nancy Pelosi your copy of President Trump's State of the
Union Speech
FIGHT BACK: Contribute $10 or more to INSTANTLY FAX Nancy Pelosi your copy of
President Trump's State of the Union Speech
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Pelosi's behavior during the State of the Union was an absolute disgrace.
She shamefully ripped up President Trump's speech!
And we need your help to send her a message. Our goal is to flood her office
with copies of President Trump's OUTSTANDING State of the Union address.
Follow this link to contribute $10 or more and we'll instantly fax Pelosi a
copy of the speech with your cover letter stating your disgust at her
outrageous behavior!
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Feb. 6 2020
Dear Speaker Pelosi,
I am disgusted at your outrageous behavior at President Trump's State of the
Union Address.
You Ripped Up:
* One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen.
* The survival of a child born at 21 weeks.
* The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller.
* A service member's reunion with his family. That is now your legacy. And
because you ripped up your copy, I am enclosing a fresh copy of the President
Trump's historic address in this official communication of concern to be
recorded into official government record.
A Concerned Citizen
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We MUST not let her get away with this HATEFUL and disgusting act.
Help us send a message (in this case a FAX).
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For Freedom,
Ted Harvey
Chairman, CDP
Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President Not authorized by any
candidate or candidate's committee
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