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Prevention with Purpose: A Resource for Engaging Student-Led Organizations
Student-led organizations play a vital role in creating safe and healthy campus environments that nurture student well-being and academic success.
Most student organizations are dedicated to enhancing students? quality of life. Therefore, they are well positioned to champion wellness efforts ? for members of their organization as well as students campuswide.
You are in a unique position to encourage and support student engagement in activities that prevent drug misuse and promote wellness.
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Prevention with Purpose
Access the Prevention with Purpose video series, strategic planning guide, and more supplemental resources by visiting the link below.
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*CampusDrugPrevention.gov [ [link removed] ]*?is a United States Government,?Drug?Enforcement Administration (DEA) website. The inclusion of a link on this website does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by DEA.
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This email was sent to xxxxxx@gmail.com?on behalf of Campus Drug Prevention ??600 Army Navy Drive ? Arlington, VA 22202 202-307-7936
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