Tomorrow, in a purple district in California, seniors are taking to the streets to protest Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his district neighbor, Rep. David Valadao, holding our Social Security benefits hostage to demand cruel budget cuts and protect tax giveaways to billionaires.
Social Security Works put up a billboard in Valadao’s district, just down the road from the protests:
When Republicans try to harm our Social Security system, they’re awakening a sleeping giant. We’re making an example of Valadao, a vulnerable Republican, to send a message: Hands off our Social Security system!
Help us get more seniors into the streets to stop the Republican default disaster! Make a donation today!
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned: If intransigent MAGA Republicans bring our country to default, many Social Security checks will not go out on time. Our Social Security system has delivered earned benefits in full and on time for nearly a century―but Republican hostage-takers may end that streak.
In 1989, a proposed Medicare premium hike led seniors to surround Ways & Means chairman Rep. Dan Rostenkowski’s car after a town hall. What will seniors do when a Republican default means that Social Security checks don’t come at all?
That’s why we’re joining the California Alliance for Retired Americans and Indivisible to send a message to politicians who seek to cut our Social Security system.
Washington plots to mess with our earned benefits rarely survive contact with the wider voting public―because the American people LOVE Social Security and Medicare. Whether voters are Democrats, Republicans, or independents, every poll says they’d rather see the wealthy pay their fair share rather than have benefits or services cut. The problem is that Republican politicians believe the opposite―and they’re willing to burn our country down if they don’t get their way.
Send a message to Kevin McCarthy: Stop holding our Social Security benefits hostage! Donate to make sure our rally tomorrow is HUGE!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works
P.S. If you can get to the Bakersfield, CA area tomorrow, we’ll be outside Rep. Valadeo’s office at 2700 M St. starting at noon pacific time. If you aren’t, watch a livestream on our Facebook page