Yesterday was a bad day to be a corrupt Republican.
First, a jury found that Donald Trump was liable for sexual abuse and defamation. I believe what E Jean Carroll did was incredibly brave, and I’m grateful she’s seeing justice. As for Trump, I will continue to repeat what we all know - this man cannot become our President again next year.
Only a few hours later we heard the breaking news that George Santos was going to be arrested. Today he was charged with 13 counts of fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes. I’ve been calling for him to resign for months, and finally some of my Republican colleagues are joining me. Enough is enough with this guy.
We cannot allow these corrupt Republicans to continue holding any more power in our government! That’s why I’m asking you to please donate now to help me win one of the most competitive races in the entire country so Democrats can take back the House.
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What I find ironic is that while George Santos still hasn’t resigned, Kevin McCarthy is spending all of his time attacking me instead of dealing with the problems in his own party.
In what world is it okay for George Santos to continue serving as a member of Congress, but I’m the problem according to Kevin McCarthy? Give me a break.
Please send in a donation right now to help me stand up to Kevin McCarthy and these corrupt Republicans. We can’t let them continue to control our democracy.
- Josh