Your Intentions: Marian Holy Hour and May Crowning

Dear Friend,
This Saturday, May 13th, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, I want to
personally invite you to join us for our 4th annual Marian Holy Hour and May Crowning of Catholic Action’s
beautifully sculptured replica of the International Pilgrim Statue of
Our Lady of Fatima. This grace-filled event is
scheduled for 9:00 AM California Time (PDT).
Commemorating the 106th Anniversary
of the First Fatima Apparition, the May Crowning will join thousands of Prayer Warriors from around the world at
the feet of Our Blessed Mother. The ceremony will take place at Our
Lady of Mount Carmel parish in my home diocese of San Diego. Everyone
is invited to join us at 9:00 AM California Time (PDT) at the church
or via the international
livestream. If you live in the surrounding San Diego area, please join us
in person and invite your fellow parishioners and friends.
We are honored again to have Bishop
Ramon Bejarano of the Diocese of San Diego preside at this inspiring
Marian event. Our replica of the International Fatima Statue will
enter in procession, Our Blessed Mother will be crowned, and hymns
sung. Bishop Bejarano will lead us in the Holy Rosary and the Litany
of Loreto, followed by a blessing with first-class relics of Saint
Francisco and Saint Jacinta, two of the shepherd children that Our
Lady of Fatima appeared to. The pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
parish, Fr. Anthony Saroki, will assist in this special
the Event Flyer!
For this Marian Holy Hour, the faithful may receive a partial
indulgence when participating in the Litany of Loreto (the Litany of
the Blessed Virgin Mary) that will be led by Bishop
During the Ceremonial Crowning of
Our Lady, the intentions that you will
submit, along with the
general intention - that all of you and everyone in attendance will
receive a myriad of graces, including a partial indulgence, as we ponder in our hearts the Message of Fatima and strive to
develop a more serious Devotion to Our Lady, through which she wishes
to bring us to a greater love of God.
Throughout my life, I have been
involved in the work of evangelization. I’d like to personally share
with you that it has been the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima and
the prophetic message Our Lady delivered that have greatly inspired
me amid numerous struggles and difficulties. I have witnessed
countless lives changed, both of individuals and of communities as a
result of experiencing God's grace through the maternal guidance of
Our Lady of Fatima. A comprehensive account has been presented in my
book on Fatima and the history of the International Pilgrim Virgin
Statue titled: The Fatima Century: How the Pilgrim
Virgin is Changing Our Generation. This book recounts the “marvels of grace” from seventy years
of Our Lady’s pilgrimage through a sinful world where her signal
graces are more evident than ever. Get your book today at
our bookstore!
May Our Lady Fatima obtain for
us peace in our world and what we lovingly ask of her.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith
P.S. Today is Day Six of Our Lady of Fatima
Novena, which includes a Holy Mass each day for all of the intentions
that you submit, up until the Feast Day on May 13. If you have not yet submitted your intentions or would like to update them, please do so
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