Dear JOhn,
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) affects girls and women on every
continent except Antarctica.
The harmful practice is global, so the movement to end it must be
too. That’s why, on International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, we’re
asking you to take action.
Here’s your ending FGM to-do list:
Act now:
✔️ Tell
Sierra Leone to enact a comprehensive anti-FGM law
✔️ Add
your name to the Global Call to Action to End FGM
Share this:
✔️ Kenyan
anti-FGM activists describe FGM in one word
Read this:
✔️ How
can youth end FGM?
In solidarity,
Flavia Mwangovya
Global Lead, End Harmful Practices
P.S. If you’d like to do more right now to support our
work to end FGM by 2030, donate $20.30 today.