In 2017, the race for control of the Virginia House of Delegates came down to a tie – both candidates had 11,607 votes and the chamber picked the winner by putting their names on pieces of paper and pulling one from a bowl.
Democrats were unlucky that day. The Republican candidate’s name was pulled and the GOP took control of the House of Delegates.
We can’t let the election this November come down to luck. Can you help us prevent the future of Virginia from being decided by chance? Chip in $5 to help Senator Warner do everything he can to give Democratic candidates a strong lead and take back the House of Delegates this fall.

Just one vote could have made the difference in 2017 – the difference to protect access to abortion, enact commonsense gun safety legislation, and safeguard marriage equality for all.
Let’s make sure this close of a call never happens again. Contribute anything you can now to support Mark’s work to give us a Democratic majority in VA >>
Thank you,
Team Warner