![]() Patriot, Tomorrow (Thursday), the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to include a National ID registry scheme in the immigration bill. We’ve warned for years about this scheme, called “E-Verify,” which is yet another federal database. This one is used to decide whether or not you have the federal government’s permission to work – to exercise your fundamental human right to trade your labor for sustenance. And in this case, the statists want to have a federal mandate requiring all U.S. employers use E-Verify. Of course, like all national databases, E-Verify wouldn’t actually be used for policing. If someone is denied by E-Verify, they won’t be investigated or deported. They’ll simply be denied the right to work and forced to turn to the taxpayers, begging, or crime. And it will not just be those who sneak into the country who will end up on the streets. You see, E-Verify will make mistakes, as all federal databases do, and those Americans on the wrong side of that list will be endangered. We already have the NICS background check system for purchasing firearms. It generates 112,000 incorrect denials every year. That’s 112,000 law-abiding Americans denied their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Will E-Verify be that inaccurate, or more? We have TSA “no-fly” lists in this country, which might strip you of your right to travel by air, if your name happens to resemble that of someone on the list. The government wants you to submit biometric information just to get an ID, they want to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency to prevent you from exchanging money without the government’s permission, and they want to make a list of who needs to be censored on social media. This is George Orwell’s 1984 at its finest! All these databases put in place in the name of “safety” end up being used for other purposes. And the real purpose, in the end, is to prevent YOU from doing anything without the federal government’s permission. It’s about creating more red tape and bureaucratic regulations, and preventing business owners from actually doing work. Patriot, if the politicians in Washington actually cared about preventing illegal immigration, wouldn’t they secure the border and enforce the law? Instead, they’re trying to conscript every law-abiding business in America to be their immigration cops – and punish them if they don’t comply. This won’t solve the illegal immigration issue. It will only put more mandates on law-abiding Americans. Call your representative at (202) 224-3121 and demand they oppose E-Verify in the immigration bill. Here’s a simple script you can use to leave a message: Hello, this is [your name] from [your city]. I’m calling to urge my congressman to vote NO on including E-Verify in
the immigration bill. E-Verify is a national ID scheme that would force business owners to do the job the federal government refuses to do: enforce
immigration laws. We don’t need another federal database telling us what we can and can’t do. If you want to solve our illegal immigration crisis, secure the border and stop giving our taxpayer dollars to those in the country illegally. E-Verify is just another pretext for yet another national database and putting another unconstitutional burden on the American people. I demand you vote NO on E-Verify. Thanks for all you, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Don’t wait – the vote is TOMORROW. Call (202) 224-3121, ask to be connected to your congressman, and tell his or her office to vote NO on E-Verify. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron
Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special
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