What's new in sustainable development

Natural Infrastructure for Water Solutions: What Canada's Prairies can teach us

Canada’s Prairies are highly vulnerable to natural disasters like floods and droughts, but new research shows how this region is also home to ecosystems that can support natural infrastructure solutions to crucial water-related needs.

Charting a Path for Global Governance: High-Level Advisory Board weighs in

A High-Level Advisory Board has set out various options for improving global governance to better address crises ranging from climate change to rising inequality. Our SDG Knowledge Hub has the story.

Ready to Hit the Road? EV roundtable to ramp up momentum

With India preparing to assume the G20 Presidency, and with the G7 leaders’ summit in Japan fast approaching, IISD and its partners are convening a roundtable to examine possibilities for cooperation between Japan and India within the electric vehicles (EV) ecosystem. 

Sustainability Standards and the SDGs: What governments should do

Our experts unpack how sustainability standards can help support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in a new video, drawing from their new comprehensive report. Watch to hear what they recommend. 

Scaling Up Adaptation Action: Insights from Bhutan to Panama

With NAP Expo 2023 now over, the climate community is reflecting on what we learned on adaptation planning and practice. See what representatives from Bhutan, Colombia, Mongolia, Nepal, Panama, and Haiti had to say on scaling up adaptation action during a session co-organized by NAP Global Network. 

New on NAP Trends: Country summaries for recent adaptation plans

As more countries submit their National Adaptation Plans to the United Nations, our NAP Global Network team is breaking down what these plans entail and what we can learn if we look across them. Read their new country summaries for NAP documents recently submitted by BangladeshEcuador, and Papua New Guinea.

Beneath the Surface: Women and the Mine of the Future 

As decision-makers in mining consider how to make the sector more equal and inclusive, our IGF team is unpacking the data—and where data gaps need to be tackled. Join them on May 24 as they explain global trends and outline recommendations.

The Return of PPMs in Trade Policy? 

Amid the emergence of a "new generation" of sustainability-oriented trade policies based on process and production methods (PPMs), experts weigh in on what the latest such PPMs look like and the issues at stake, drawing from trade law, recent treaty practice, and more
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